Sudbury Catholic District School Board

St. David School Students Take the Lead in School Beautification Efforts

St. David School is proud to announce that a group of dedicated students has stepped up to lead the School Beautification Committee, embarking on a mission to enhance the school’s environment and foster a culture of responsibility and care. 

Since the start of school, young leaders have been volunteering during their lunchtime recesses to make a positive impact on their school community. Together in an inspiring display of commitment and initiative, these students have worked tirelessly to keep their school grounds clean and beautiful. Their efforts include picking up litter and debris around the school premises, as well as taking on the task of weeding and maintaining one of the school gardens.

St. David School’s administration and staff are immensely proud of these exceptional student leaders who are demonstrating their dedication to making a positive change within their school community. Their enthusiasm and selflessness serve as an example to their peers and a testament to the school’s values. Their daily efforts will help demonstrate the power of youth engagement and the potential for positive change when a group of dedicated individuals comes together to unite for a common cause. 

“The students involved in the School Beautification Committee have adopted the motto, “Be the Change You Want to See,” and are truly living it out,” say’s Dawn-Marie Wemigwans, Principal of St. David Catholic Elementary School. “Their commitment to creating a cleaner, more vibrant school environment exemplifies the spirit of leadership and community engagement that St. David School aims to cultivate in all its students.”

St. David School encourages other students, parents, and community members to join in supporting these young leaders in their beautification efforts. Together, they hope to ensure that their school remains a welcoming and inspiring place for generations to come.

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s mission is to realize each student’s potential within an inclusive Catholic Learning Community by nurturing and developing students through mind, body, and spirit. For more info on Sudbury Catholic District School Board, please visit

Kindergarten Students at St. John School Have a Sweet Visit to Maple Hill Farm

Kindergarten students at St. John School had a sweet field trip when they visited the Maple Hill Farm in Hanmer! Students had the opportunity to have a 90-minute guided tour of the facility where they learned how maple syrup is made and even got to taste some of the final product! 

Field trips such as these provide students with real world knowledge in a fun and engaging environment. It’s safe to say, students certainly enjoyed their experience!

“I had so much fun today! I can’t wait to come back with my family,” said Ellie Borton-St.Louis Kindergarten student. “My favourite part was tasting the taffy – it’s so good!” said Grace Rinta. 

Check out the highlight video here:

St. David Students Complete Cardboard Sled Races

Students at St. David School put their love of outdoors, creativity, and innovation into action with the Cardboard Sled Challenge! Studen used collaboration and teamwork skills to create a Cardboard sled to represent their class. The only materials they were able to use were cardboard and duct tape to make their epic creations. The project is part of the Canadian Playful Skills Network project – a national network of schools dedicated to deepening and broadening play-based pedagogies. 

Students raced their completed sleds with excitement on January 23.

“We did a net design to reduce the amount of seams in it,” said Grade 5 student Dharshan Shinoj.“We also did a small paper prototype before we started so can make sure it’s a feasible design.”

“To make it go fast, we put tape on the bottom and we coloured it with crayons so it’s waxy and slippery,” added Grade 5 student Xander Pharand.

The event was part of the Canadian Playful Schools Network – a national network of schools dedicated to deepening and broadening play-based pedagogies across four modes: green (outdoor-focused), screen (digital), machine (building and making for a purpose), and everything in between, which speaks to the fundamental importance of place, identity, language, and culture.

Sudbury Catholic School Board Organizes Professional Learning Day Devoted to STEAM

Sudbury Catholic Schools was proud to host a professional learning day for education staff devoted to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) on October 24, 2022. The Board partnered with several local organizations to create engaging and innovative learning sessions.

Sessions included:

  • Cambrian College STEM tour: Educators had the opportunity to learn more about various STEM-based programming at Cambrian College, and how they can support showcasing STEM in the community. This day included a walking tour of the trades/ technology departments on campus, examples of hands-on learning activities and a workshop with Larissa Hoffman, VP of Edge Factor, who will provide an overview of their updated online platform and how Edge Factor can promote STEM careers to students.
  • Game Design Program at Cambrian College: Educators explored Game Design at Cambrian College with Professor, Program Director, and CBC Radio Tech Talk Host Aaron Langille. Participants got a glimpse of designing and developing commercial-quality game applications for a broad range of industries such as entertainment, health, education, construction, marketing, and mining. 
  • Science North: Participants completed several activities including: SHSM workshops, turtle crossing Demo, Planetarium show and a bit coding workshop. 
  • Connections Between Land and Art: Jessica Somers, an Indigenous Artist, guided participants through a land-based teaching about the Birch Tree and medicines. Participants were also guided through a painting workshop as they learned about the power of the spirit bear. 
  • Outdoor learning at St. David School: Participants learned on the land as they were guided through an outdoor professional development session. Educators spent the day learning outside, connecting with nature, and exploring the various benefits that land based teaching can offer. 
  • STEM Activities with Logics Academy: Educators had the opportunity to learn about robotics and Dash and how to integrate it into their classrooms! 
  • Skills Ontario- Walking Robots Challenge: Katie Cameron, program facilitator for Skills Ontario introduced teachers to Skills Ontario and their variety of programs and services. In addition, teachers learned about the Junk Drawer Races competition. This program promotes sustainability of re-using common items found at home or in a classroom. 
  • Let’s Talk Science : Teachers heard valuable information from Lindsay Shaw. Lindsay is the Program Development Manager for the Professional Learning team at Let’s Talk Science. In her role, she manages the development of the Learning Pathways program. She introduced teachers to Live STEM broadcasts, learning pathways and live events.
  • STEM Storytime: Primary teachers met Ryan Kahue. Ryan is a Program Support Coordinator for the Youth and Volunteer Experience team at Let’s Talk Science. His program of focus is STEM Storytime. STEM Storytime is a weekly series offered on Tuesdays at 1pm! Each week a Let’s Talk Science Outreach student along with Ryan will read a storybook followed by a hands-on activity.
  • STEM Club: Junior teachers met Nick Butt.  Nick Butt is an Outreach Coordinator with Let’s Talk Science. He is manager, developer, and host of STEM Club. Each week, Let’s Talk Science, features a different hands-on activity using minimal, easy-to-find materials. Students will also have the chance to learn from and ask questions to inspire STEM role models.

We would like to thank all partners who helped create hands-on sessions and provided our educational staff with learning opportunities that can be recreated in our classrooms! 

St. David School Joins the Canadian Playful Schools Network

 St. David School will be joining 40 other schools across the country in the Canadian Playful Schools Network (CPSN) for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Since play fosters curiosity, creativity, imagination, self-confidence, and physical, social, and cognitive skills, the CPSN is a hub for sharing experiences and for learning. As a member, St. David School will have the opportunity to learn with and from educators engaged in learning through play from seven provinces (BC, SK, ON, QC, NB, NS, NL). The secondary objective is to build human and virtual connections to support and sustain play-based practices in schools across Canada. All school teams will be supported by researchers at the University of Ottawa’s CPSN, as well as national and international experts in the field of education. 

This innovative educational initiative is a national network of schools dedicated to deepening and broadening play-based pedagogies across four modes: green (outdoor-focused), screen (digital), machine (building and making for a purpose), and everything in between, which speaks to the fundamental importance of place, identity, language, and culture. 

Together, the network will develop new understandings of what learning through play means in Canadian classrooms and champion the way play is integrated into the daily experience of schooling in the middle years to support the well-being, engagement, and learning of students and educators. 

“St. David School believes in providing opportunities for our students to learn on the land. We engage in outdoor learning as a pedagogical approach to enrich learning, enhance school engagement, and improve student health and well-being. Through the CPSN, we intend to extend the learning environment beyond the desk and four walls and use the outdoor space as part of our regular teaching practice,” said Dawn Wemigwans, Principal at St. David School. 

About the Network 

Funded through a grant from the LEGO Foundation, and headed by University of Ottawa researchers, the CPSN is a newly established network of publicly-funded schools from across Canada that leverage learning through play in grades 4 to 8 to improve engagement and well-being for students traditionally marginalised by systems of schooling. 

For more information, please contact Josée Lebel ( or visit 

St. David School Participates in Take Me Outside Day

St. David School joined schools across the country and participated in Take me Outside Day on October 19, 2022. Take Me Outside Day helps to raise awareness about outdoor learning and encourages teachers to take their students outside. In 2021, 8,900 educators and nearly 400,000 learners across the country participated in the event. 

For their activity, St. David students had the task of building a structure that would keep a photo of a dog safe and dry. They had 10 minutes to find materials outside and the structure had to leave room for a water bowl and bed. Students learned how to collaborate, problem solve and be innovative.

St. David School regularly engages in outdoor learning as a pedagogical approach to enrich learning, enhance school engagement, and improve student health and well-being. The school believes that spending time outside playing, exploring, and learning should be a regular and significant part of every student’s day. St. David School is set against a backdrop of trees, trails and a structured outdoor classroom which significantly encourages teaching and learning opportunities, such as the Take me Outside program. Having a dedicated space for outdoor learning helps students to learn through imagination, play and inquiry. 

“Using our outdoor space provides opportunities for our students and teachers to interact and learn in an environment which stimulates enhanced teaching and learning. Through our connection with the land, St. David School intends on deepening our connections with Indigenous perspectives, strengthening our health and well-being, and increasing our knowledge on climate change, stewardship, and the environment,” said Dawn Wemigwans, Principal of St. David School. 

“Being outside is awesome because it’s fun to learn outdoors and get some fresh air. I think being outside makes me more creative, said Emmett, Grade 4 student.

“I really enjoyed the activity today. Building the structures wasn’t easy, but we did our best! I love learning outside and interacting with nature,” said Sophia, Grade 4 student. More information about Take Me Outside can be found online at:

St. James Students Participate in Live Inspirational Talk with Dr. Jane Goodall

Students in Mr. MacNeill’s grade 7 & 8 class signed up for the annual Take Me Outside for Learning Challenge. The challenge is a commitment to ongoing outdoor learning throughout the school year.  Mr. MacNeill, his students and 700 000 other students across Canada made the commitment to learning outside at least one day per week.

This year marked the 11th annual Take Me Outside to Learn Day and in partnership with Canada’s Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store and MEC, they hosted a full week of speakers, activities and events that not only engaged students but deepened their connections with Indigenous perspectives, strengthened their health and well-being with outdoor learning, and increased their knowledge on climate change and the environment. 

On Thursday October 21st, Mr. MacNeill’s class along with seven hundred classes across the country were excited to participate in a live inspirational talk and Q&A with Dr. Jane Goodall and the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada. Dr. Goodall spoke about growing up without television and social media and how she spent most of her time outdoors. She stressed the importance of living in harmony with nature as it improves our mental well-being.

The Jane Goodall Institute explained the opportunity for students to participate in their Roots & Shoots funding program. Roots & Shoots focuses on Jane Goodall’s inspirational message of hope, reminding participants that every individual is important and every individual can make a difference. Through a unique 4-step program, educators lead youth from inspiration; to mapping their community for sustainability issues for people, animals and the environment; to taking action to solve those issues; and then celebrating the impact they have made. Through this journey, youth are engaged to take action on sustainability issues and become compassionate leaders.

We can’t wait to hear about the action project ideas that Mr. MacNeill’s class will discuss next week!

For more information about this initiative please visit Roots and Shoots or for additional support in filling out an application contact:

Students in Mr. MacNeill’s grade 7 & 8 class listen to Jane Goodall speak as part of the 2021 Take Me Outside for Learning Challenge!
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