Sudbury Catholic District School Board

SCDSB Trustee Joins St. Mary Catholic School Students for Shrove Tuesday, and Ash Wednesday

Services were held at schools and school-parishes of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board to commemorate Ash Wednesday this week. At St. Mary School, Father Gerry Lalonde of Our Lady of Peace Parish in Capreol blessed the ashes that were used in the school’s service. “The ashes were once the palms that were used during Palm Sunday,” explained School Principal, Mrs. Waszczylo as she lead the celebration and anointed the classroom teachers.

Meanwhile, secondary school students, teachers and staff at Marymount Academy also celebrated the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday service. They were joined by Sudbury Catholic District School Board staff in the afternoon celebration, which included the distribution of ashes. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of forty days of preparation for Easter Sunday, a time when individuals are encouraged to make an extra effort to grow in their relationship with God.

Pius XII Basketball Free Throw District Champs

The Basketball Free-Throw hosted by Pius XII school and directed by the Knights of Columbus was a huge success. Students competed with other schools in throwing 25 shots to the basketball net. The student who sunk the most baskets was the winner in their age category.

Congratulation to the 3 students from Pius XII school who will proceed to the Regional Levels:

photo 1: Mario Malerba winner for the age 10 boys category
photo 2: Cory Levesque winner for the age 11 boys category
photo 3: Andrew Phillion winner for age 14 boys category

Knights of Columbus Free Throw

On Feb. 11 the Knights of Columbus Council 1387 held its annual Council Free Throw Competition at St. David School. A total of 160 students took part in the school free throw competitions. The top twenty five students representing St. David, St. Francis, St. Michael, St. Theresa and Marymount took part in the event this past Sunday. Congratulations to the top nine students who will represent Council 1387 at the District Competition to be held Pius XII this weekend.

St. James Catholic School Hosts a New Episode of “House”

The staff and students of St. James Catholic School in Lively invite you to view a new episode of HOUSE on Friday, February 23, 2007 at the school located at 280 Anderson Drive, (across from the Tom Davies Arena). All the HOUSE cast will assemble at 1:00 p.m. in the school gym. Although Dr. Gregory House will not be making an appearance you can watch the whole school implement the concept of HOUSE.

Launched in the fall, HOUSE program works to improve school spirit, teamwork between staff and students, co-operation within the school, leadership of intermediate students and the overall development of academic, social and athletic skills.

Everyone in the entire school is on a team, except the gatekeeper (vice-principal) who awards the points. These houses act as teams throughout the year. During the school year, houses have been in competition with each other in trying to obtain the highest amount of points. Points are awarded for behaviour, sportsmanship, cooperation, academic excellence and leadership.

The HOUSE episode this month will feature a math activity whereby all HOUSE teams will be involved in the task.

A Sweet Valentine Deal

The St. James Catholic School Student Council offered its students a sweet candy deal to celebrate Valentine’s Day. By purchasing Valentine Candy Grams the students were helping other students across the world in Costa Rica. The Student Council sold more than 700 Valentine Grams and all proceeds were forwarded to help build washroom facilities at a village school in Costa Rica.

Hockey Rules at St. Mary Catholic School

St. Mary Catholic School recently celebrated Family Literacy Day. The theme for the day was “Hockey Literacy” and students wore their favourite team jerseys. The primary grades rotated from class to class and enjoyed stories and activities geared to hockey. Literacy Day activities ranged from redesigning a hockey book cover to producing hockey cards or creating a hockey jersey. Many thanks to guest readers Mrs. Estelle Scappatura, Trustee for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and Mr. Roland Muzzatti, Academic Superintendent for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board for volunteering their time to read to the students.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the day judging from their comments such as: “I had a great day and it was fun!”… “It was fun because it was about hockey and I love hockey”…”Hockey Rules!”…”I liked when we got to make a hockey card.”…”Today was the best day ever”… and …”When can we do it again?”

Sudbury Catholic Board Recognized By United Way

Michael Cullen, Campaign Director for the United Way / Centraide presents Paula Peroni, Chair of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and Rossella Bagnato, Interim Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board with an Award of Recognition for the Board’s ongoing support for the United Way Campaign. For many years, the Board’s students and staff have continued to donate their time and efforts to raise funds for the United Way through events at individual schools and through the Payroll Deduction Plan.

The SCDSB and its family of schools have raised more than $6,500 for this year’s United Way / Centraide campaign.

The United Way / Centraide, together with its many volunteers and donors such as the Sudbury Catholic District School Board strives to build a healtheir and stronger community.

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