Volunteers are a valued resource in our schools and assist with a wide range of activities and services. These activities may include:
- Assisting with day excursions/supervising field trips
- School projects (concerts, etc.)
- Book fairs
- School Council
- Hot lunch/pizza days
- Homework club
- Celebration of faith
- Coaching sports
Volunteer candidates involved in coaching, day to overnight field trips (ex. Killarney) and situations where ‘direct and regular’ contact occurs with students are to provide a Criminal Background Check (C.B.C) completed within the previous six months. To ensure the safety of our students, the Board will not permit anyone with a positive criminal background check and/or patterns of behaviour to volunteer without the record having been adjudicated.
Volunteers should:
1. Review/complete the following documents and return them to the Principal or supervisor:
Emergency Contact Information Form
Parent and Community Volunteers Confidentiality Agreement
2. Review the Volunteer Handbook
Volunteer Handbook
3. Complete the following training by clicking on the links and reviewing the material. Please ensure you ask your Principal/Supervisor questions as applicable and provide documentation to confirm completion of training to them.
Accessibility for Ontarian’s with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training
Overview of health and safety procedures PowerPoint
Workplace Violence and Harassment Awareness for Workers PowerPoint
4. Once you have viewed the required training, please print off the School/Volunteer Agreement link and complete it with the school Principal.
School/Volunteer Agreement
5. Please complete the volunteer survey and submit to your school Principal.
Volunteer Recruitment Survey
Please contact your child’s school to see what volunteer opportunities there may be that fit your own schedule, interests and unique talents.