Sudbury Catholic District School Board

2022-23 Director’s Annual Report

We are very pleased to present the Director of Education’s Annual Report for the 2022-2023 school year

We thank our Board of Trustees, Senior Administration, staff, students, families, volunteers, community partners, and our parishes for their continued support and commitment to Sudbury Catholic. Together we are providing a caring, progressive, high quality Catholic school system that is nurturing our students – mind, body, and spirit.

Click here to read our 2022-23 report!

Sudbury Catholic District School Board Welcomes Shannon Gouchie as New Trustee

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Shannon Gouchie as Board Trustee effective immediately. Shannon will represent Zone 4 which encompasses Wards 7 and 8 in the City of Greater Sudbury, along with the municipalities of St. Charles and Markstay-Warren. 

Shannon is an alumna of McMaster University, where she earned her Bachelor of Health Sciences degree in 1996 and is on track to obtain a Master of Health Management degree in 2024. Upon graduation, she worked as an Occupational Therapist at Health Sciences North, where she has remained with the organization. Professionally, Shannon’s role as an occupational therapist and clinical lead of the Children’s Treatment Centre has equipped her with valuable expertise in special education, accessibility, and pediatric rehabilitation. Drawing from her experience as the past vice-president of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO), Shannon is well-versed in board governance and Ministry directives. Her active participation in strategic planning at COTO and Health Sciences North, coupled with leadership, quality improvement, and finance training through her Master of Health Management coursework, underscores her comprehensive skill set. Shannon is also a devoted member of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, where she serves in various capacities. She is a proud graduate of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and a current parent with three children in Sudbury Catholic Schools. She served as the Parent Council Chair of St. Charles College and was a representative on the Parent Involvement Committee.

I am deeply honoured to serve on the Board of Trustees and contribute to the pursuit of excellence at Sudbury Catholic Schools. As a former graduate of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and an active parent in the system, I take this role very seriously. I look forward to working with fellow Trustees to enhance the learning experience in our Catholic schools and drive progress in our educational community.” – Shannon Gouchie, newly appointed Board Trustee.

My fellow Trustees and I are excited to welcome Shannon Gouchie to the Board Table. She is an experienced, faith-filled individual with a long history of serving her community,” said Michael Bellmore, Chair, Board of Trustees. “Her passion for Catholic education, special education, accessibility, and parent involvement make her well-positioned to serve the Sudbury Catholic District School Board as a whole.

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s mission is to realize each student’s potential within an inclusive Catholic Learning Community by nurturing and developing students through mind, body, and spirit. For more information about the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, please visit

2021-22 Director’s Annual Report

We are very pleased to present the Director of Education’s Annual Report for the 2021-2022 school year

We thank our Board of Trustees, Senior Administration, staff, students, families, volunteers, community partners, and our parishes for their continued support and commitment to Sudbury Catholic. Together we are providing a caring, progressive, high quality Catholic school system that is nurturing our students – mind, body, and spirit.

Director Joanne Bénard in the hot seat at St. Bernadette

During her recent visit to St. Bernadette Catholic School, Director of Education Joanne Bénard sat in the “hot seat” with students in Grades 3 through 6.

The Director joined in as students used an application on their iPads called Puppet Pals to practise their French language oral communication skills. Students recorded themselves interviewing each other and they asked and answered questions “en français”. Once the interviews were over, students shared their creations with their classmates using the SmartBoard. Mme Perron (Gr. 3), Mme Chevrier (Gr. 4) and Mme Therrien (Gr. 5/6) have been team-teaching with a focus on increasing self-confidence, motivation and engagement for second language French Immersion students for the past school year. “Students are always enthusiastic to participate in authentic opportunities to use their oral communication skills. Using technology to enhance their performance is a very successful approach!”, stated Mme Perron. Mme Therrien said, “The students were thrilled when Mme Bénard partnered with Grade 5 student, Sabrina Crossthwaite! Interviewing the Director of Education, en français, a great opportunity to showcase how well our students are able to communicate in their second language!”

Dr. Jeffrey Wood, Guest Speaker at MISA NEOEN Carousel Event

Dr. Jeffrey Wood was a keynote speaker at a recent MISA-research carousel organized by Jean McHarg, Superintendent of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board on behalf of the eight school boards and one school authority.

Dr. Wood emphasized the importance of the collaboration of all stakeholders to share the research being done in our region by the eight school boards and one school authourity and the two universities. Future plans would include having doctoral and masters students conduct research in the school boards on major initiatives presently being implemented.

“Gangs and Youth. A Community Action Plan.”

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to be a partner in the “Gangs and Youth. A Community Action Plan” initiative in conjunction with our fellow school boards and community agencies in Sudbury.

Representatives from the Board staff and Trustees participated in a “Gangs and Youth” Media Conference held at the Greater Sudbury Police Service to promote awareness around gang activity. The Board took this opportunity to reinforce the fact the Sudbury Catholic District School Board works hard to engage our students in our educational programs and extra-curricular activities. We believe that our school communities offer the best opportunities for our youth, thus enabling them to become positive members of society. Our Board supports and maintains positive school climates that enhance safety and focus on prevention and early intervention with opportunities for reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration of the community.

Visitors from the United Kingdom Visit SCDSB to Observe Educational Best Practice

Twelve people from the United Kingdom including teachers, principals and administrators began their visit at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board on February 16, 2010 to observe best practice in the field of education. The group, who will be in Sudbury for seven days, came over from across the pond to learn about Ontario’s approach to change and how it embraces continual transition. The initial welcome included greetings from representatives from both the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, the Rainbow Board, as well as a warm welcome from Mayor John Rodriguez. Adam Higgins, a School Improvement Officer which is similar to our Supervisory Officer, spoke on behalf of the group as he thanked the two boards for welcoming them to Sudbury. “We look forward to walking a mile in your shoes as we share similar obstacles and we want to ensure that all of our youngsters are getting the best possible start that they can.” Higgins went on to say that their first three days in Sudbury were excellent as they were constantly greeted by very friendly citizens. From bus drivers to school staff, their encounters so far have been all positive despite the initial loss of luggage of eight of the twelve in the group!
The guests will be visiting several schools over the next few days from both the Sudbury Catholic District School Board as well as the Rainbow Board to observe many different educational initiatives including boys literacy, aboriginal education, technology and French Immersion. All of the people involved in the visit will end off the week on Thursday with a presentation of Aboriginal Culture and Dance as well as an Aboriginal feast at Marymount Academy. The group will also be getting the chance to visit a Sudbury Wolves practice, Science North, Adanac Ski Hill and a Sudbury Wolves game.

SCDSB Elementary Schools Host Successful J.K. Open Houses

Staff at St. James Catholic Elementary School had music playing outside as the parents and potential new students approached the school. They were greeted at the door by the Principal Cara Soehner, Vice Principal Dan Stargratt and Superintendent Jean McHarg. St. James teachers had different stations set up for the children throughout the school as the parents sat down to begin filling out the registration forms. It was evident that quite a lot of hard work went into the planning of the J.K. open house evening and the parents who visited were quite excited to see the school in action. As well as visiting the J.K. classrooms and meeting their teachers, the children had their picture taken with the St. James’ mascot and even got the chance to hang out with the St. Ben’s mascot after receiving a school T-shirt from the fish pond. The new students were very busy visiting each station and it was evident by the laughter and squeals of delight that they were having a ball. Carter, one of the new J.K. registrants said it best when asked if he was having fun at the event. “Of course.” said Tyler, ” ’cause I’m fun!!!” Parents and potential students visited each of the SCDSB elementary schools on January 18, 2010. Many of the schools had different activities planned and worked very hard in preparation for the evening. As well, several of the board office academic services staff were also on hand at each school to help out where needed. Congratulations to all of our elementary schools and staff for a very successful J.K. open house night!

Sudbury Catholic Board Decides to Build Holy Cross Catholic School, JK to Grade 6

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board unanimously voted to make its newest high-tech green school a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 elementary school. The Board’s Trustees made the decision at the December 15, 2009 Board meeting.

The trustees decided the new Holy Cross Catholic School in Sudbury’s south end would be a separate Dual Track JK to Grade 6 School, located near St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. The new school will also include an early-learning daycare facility and a 4,000 square foot gymnasium.

“Holy Cross is going to be a fantastic new school,” says Board Chair Jody Cameron, “It will be high-tech, offering the latest in educational technology – while being an intimate, safe and personable environment for children ranging from our new full-day junior kindergarten program to Grade 6. It’s an exciting time.”

Meantime, the Catholic Board also decided it will offer Grade 7 to 12 programming next door at the existing St. Benedict’s Catholic Secondary School. This will include the construction of new classrooms and a third gymnasium. The renovations will also include a new “cafetorium” (which is a combination of a cafeteria and auditorium) to serve both the elementary and secondary students. It could seat as many as 500 people for concerts, plays, presentations, guest speakers, and other special events.

“These two projects are exciting for students, parents, and teachers in our Catholic schools,” says Board Director, Catherine McCullough, “It’s a great decision which will continue to enhance our community partnerships. These students who already benefit from programs like our nationally-recognized laptop learning program will now have even more educational tools at their fingertips to help them have a balanced educational experience and go on to succeed in life.”

The Board Trustees made the decision after extensive consultation with the school communities impacted. The new Holy Cross Catholic School will open in September 2011. The new and improved St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School will also be ready for the fall of 2011. Both projects combined are projected to cost $16.2-million with $11.7-million coming from the provincial government – while the Board has agreed to contribute $4.5-million.

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