Sudbury Catholic District School Board
February 16, 2010

Visitors from the United Kingdom Visit SCDSB to Observe Educational Best Practice

Twelve people from the United Kingdom including teachers, principals and administrators began their visit at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board on February 16, 2010 to observe best practice in the field of education. The group, who will be in Sudbury for seven days, came over from across the pond to learn about Ontario’s approach to change and how it embraces continual transition. The initial welcome included greetings from representatives from both the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, the Rainbow Board, as well as a warm welcome from Mayor John Rodriguez. Adam Higgins, a School Improvement Officer which is similar to our Supervisory Officer, spoke on behalf of the group as he thanked the two boards for welcoming them to Sudbury. “We look forward to walking a mile in your shoes as we share similar obstacles and we want to ensure that all of our youngsters are getting the best possible start that they can.” Higgins went on to say that their first three days in Sudbury were excellent as they were constantly greeted by very friendly citizens. From bus drivers to school staff, their encounters so far have been all positive despite the initial loss of luggage of eight of the twelve in the group!
The guests will be visiting several schools over the next few days from both the Sudbury Catholic District School Board as well as the Rainbow Board to observe many different educational initiatives including boys literacy, aboriginal education, technology and French Immersion. All of the people involved in the visit will end off the week on Thursday with a presentation of Aboriginal Culture and Dance as well as an Aboriginal feast at Marymount Academy. The group will also be getting the chance to visit a Sudbury Wolves practice, Science North, Adanac Ski Hill and a Sudbury Wolves game.

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