Nicholas Groulx is a student who is currently in the Care and Development classroom at Pius XII. He has multiple disabilities and one of them affects the way he walks. Everyday Nicholas comes to school on a wheelchair, and at school, he practices his walking skills by walking the halls with the assistance of a walker. Just this month, Nicholas has proved that the age old saying that “practice pays off” is indeed true. Pius XII staff and students awarded Nicholas for his huge accomplishment — he has progressed so well with his walking that he no longer needs the use of his wheelchair or his walker! Nicholas’ wheelchair has been donated to Motion Specialties, a home health care equipment supplier. The wheelchair will come in handy for another individual who will require the chair.
Month: February 2013
Practice Pays Off at Pius XII
Nicholas Groulx is a student who is currently in the Care and Development classroom at Pius XII Catholic Elementary School. He has multiple disabilities and one of them affects the way he walks. Everyday Nicholas comes to school on a wheelchair, and at school, he practices his walking skills by walking the halls with the assistance of a walker. Just this month, Nicholas has proved that the age old saying that “practice pays off” is indeed true. Pius XII staff and students awarded Nicholas for his huge accomplishment — he has progressed so well with his walking that he no longer needs the use of his wheelchair or his walker! Nicholas’ wheelchair has been donated to Motion Specialties, a home health care equipment supplier. The wheelchair will come in handy for another individual who will require the chair.
Practice Pays Off at Pius XII
Nicholas Groulx is a student who is currently in the Care and Development classroom at Pius XII. He has multiple disabilities and one of them affects the way he walks. Everyday Nicholas comes to school on a wheelchair, and at school, he practices his walking skills by walking the halls with the assistance of a walker. Just this month, Nicholas has proved that the age old saying that “practice pays off” is indeed true. Pius XII staff and students awarded Nicholas for his huge accomplishment — he has progressed so well with his walking that he no longer needs the use of his wheelchair or his walker! Nicholas’ wheelchair has been donated to Motion Specialties, a home health care equipment supplier. The wheelchair will come in handy for another individual who will require the chair.
Pius XII Care and Development student, Nicholas Groulx, stands proudly next to his wheelchair as he donates his wheelchair to Mindy Grant from Motion Specialties, a home health care equipment supporter.
On Your Mark, Get Set… Let the Winter Outdoor Adventure Race Begin!
The scene was set for a perfect Winter Outdoor Adventure Race on Tuesday, February 26, 2013. The sky was clear, the temperature was above zero – and most importantly, there was a lot of snow in Killarney. Compared to past years, this year’s event had more than enough snow for organizer and outdoor education teacher for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, Brad Blackwell, to really focus the adventure race activities on true Northern Ontario winter activities.
“This was our third year running the Winter Outdoor adventure race – and, as compared to year’s past, the abundance of snow allowed us to set up some true northern outdoor programming as part of the race,” Blackwell said. “We wanted to ensure that all of the students taking part got a real feel for adventures in the snow, and how to not only survive it, but excel and have fun in it!”
This year’s race participants included secondary students from St. Charles College, St. Benedict and Marymount Academy. There were fifteen teams of three and each team had to take part in every leg of the race. Upon arrival in Killarney, the students were given race packets and instructions, and were quickly directed to the outdoor start location. Once the rules were established and all safety aspects reviewed, the students lined up to begin the first part of a seven-part challenge. The entire race included a strategic stick toss, a snow-pile build (a scaled-down version of a quinzee), a 1.13 km sprint, a 750 run in snowshoes, a Frisbee target toss, a strategic orienteering challenge and a fire-lighting trial.
The snowshoe run, the orienteering challenge and the fire-lighting components proved to be the most difficult part of the race for the participants. The orienteering section was tricky as any wrong answers on their check sheet resulted in penalties of an additional five minutes added on to their final time at the finish line. Once the snowshoes were on, they had to stay on throughout the orienteering section of the race and the students were only able to remove them once they began their fire challenge. With the fire challenge, the students were given minimal materials to start their fire, and the ultimate goal was to get a metal can of water to come to a complete boil before sprinting to the finish line. In order to get additional materials for the fire, the students had to do a different number of laps around a section of the forest depending on what materials were needed – whether it be more kindling, extra matches, etc.
In the end, one of the teams from St. Benedict was the first to cross the finish line and, despite some errors during the orienteering challenge, they beat the next team by a mere 25 seconds. This team consisted of Kyle Herbert (grade 10), Doug Pitfield (grade 12) and Kayla Huchenski (grade 12). Not only did the first place team take home the banner for their school, but were also each awarded a brand new set of Tubbs snowshoes that were generously donated to the race by the Tubbs Snowshoe Company. What happened after the team was presented with their prize, speaks volumes about the outstanding character of the Sudbury Catholic students. Both Kyle Herbert and Doug Pitfield thanked the organizers for their prize, but as their families are fortunate to already own several pairs, decided to donate the snowshoes back to their school to support the outdoor education program at St. Benedict. “This most generous gesture by these two students really capped off what was already a truly exceptional day,” Blackwell stated. “These students poured their heart and soul into this competition, and in the end they proudly represented their school both during and after the race! All of the students that competed today truly represent the positive Sudbury Catholic spirit and I congratulate each and every one of them for an outstanding job! As well, I thank all of the teachers and volunteers who helped made today such a success!”
After a hearty lunch provided by the organizers, students began to get ready for departure, but were overheard by the teachers and volunteers already strategizing for the next outdoor adventure race in the spring.
Robenedicts are Taking Over…
What does the St. Benedicts Robotics team know about robots and motors? Since October – a whole lot!
FIRST Robotics Canada have granted St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School with money and a starter kit to begin the first ever robotics team at the school. The team, keenly named Robenedicts by Grade 12 Benjamin Nolan, was formed in October 2012 by teachers Julianne Falconi and John Doyon. There are 30 students that make up Robenedicts, including two sections consisting of engineering and business that the students can choose to focus on. “When we first did a call out to those interested – the number of students interested was overwhelming. The club consists of secondary students, with several Grade 7 and 8’s interested in being part of the team as well,” Falconi said.
“This was something new for us to try as a school,” says Grade 12 team member Christian Bastistelli, “the team has really evolved since we first began.” The group’s first competition is the FIRST Robotics Canada Greater Toronto West Regional competition at the end of March that includes competitors from Singapore and the United States. If Robenedicts move on in the competition, they will advance to nationals where they will encounter oppositions from several countries throughout the world.
Grade 12 teammate Benjamin Nolan affirms that “the team has given us all a head start for university. It has been a great learning experience and even though it has been a lot of work, it also has been a lot of fun.” The competition could also help give the students an advantage going into post secondary school, as according to the Union Gas Press Release, the robotics teams from Ontario can qualify for over $16 million in university scholarships. “You are our future leaders, future innovators, and we are very proud to be a part of this process,” says Tom O’Malley, Utilities Manager of Union Gas who was part of the mentoring team supporting the robotics team. O’Malley concluded his presentation with a cheque for $2500 to the team by encouraging the students, “hopefully you’ll kick some robot butt.”
Story by Mackenzie Connelly
St. Benedict Communications Co-op student
St. Charles Cardinal Receives Prestigious Young Leaders Award
Students and staff at St. Charles College are confident that when David DiBrina leaves the school doors, it won’t be the last they hear of him.
Grade 12 Cardinal David DiBrina is the recipient of the 2013 Sudbury Community Builders Young Leader Award.
David, who is serving his second term as the Student President graciously accepted his award at the Community Builders Awards Gala February 21st.
David headed up the school’s annual food drive this school year which raised 125, 000 cans to combat hunger in the city. It was the largest single contribution in history of the Sudbury Food Bank.
David also serves as the student trustee for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. He is involved in theatre, as well as community projects like the Gift of Life organ donation campaign while maintaining an average of 95 percent at school.
David graduates from St. Charles College this year and hopes to attend Western University in the fall and get accepted to its prestigious Richard Ivey School of Business.
Seeing Double at St. Charles Elementary
Have you ever wanted to be just like someone else? Students and staff at St. Charles Elementary dressed as their ‘twin’ today to show their school spirit! Many people dressed as each other, while others dressed as a famous twin. Pictured is grade 5 student, Daniella Lowes and the principal, Mrs. St. Denis. Daniella surprised the principal by coming to school dressed as her, and explained that if she “could be anyone at all, she wanted to be Mrs. St.Denis”. Daniella did morning announcements and toured the halls with her twin.
Introducing Mackenzie Connelly – Communications Co-op Student
Mackenzie Connelly is a grade 11 St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School student who is doing her second semester co-op placement at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board with the Board’s Communication Officer Gina Tullio. Mackenzie brings with her a vast knowledge of computer and technology skills, phenomenal creativity, a high level of professionalism and a positive attitude. Mackenzie will be assisting in the writing/editing and promotion of school events and celebrations, as well as creating new Sudbury Catholic brochures, presentations and documents. If you see her around the Board office or schools, please join me in welcoming her to the team!
Lights, Camera, Action at Pius XII
Upon arriving at the classroom, invited guests were greeted by a sign welcoming them to the Pius XII Catholic Elementary School Intermediate Lifeskills class movie premiere. Students had the screen ready, and chairs set up theatre style for the start of the movie.
Since October, the students, their teacher Ginny Cristo-Long, their Educational Assistant Lynn Dubois, and vice principal Tina Timpano have been working on this class project, which was the creation of a movie that reflected upon the essential question – “What does Jesus ask of us?”
The students began the project with the selection of an individual response to this question and then had to think of a picture that would then represent their answer. The next steps for the class included the introduction of technology programs including iphoto, garageband, and imovie on macbooks. “This project really allowed the students to expand not only intellectually, and verbally, but also socially and emotionally,” Cristo stated. “The students had to pick kids from other classes and grades and invite them to be a part of their picture for the movie – it was a great experience for them to socialize and work on problem-solving skills.”
Just before the movie began, the vice principal gave a brief introduction explaining the process by which they began the project, and also let the audience know what a special group of kids these students were. “To ask these kids to come up for a response to the essential question – What does Jesus ask of us – it was an absolutely easy task for them as they are daily role models to others of exactly what Jesus does ask of us.”
The movie itself was completely interactive for the audience as once the students had presented their ideas on video such as: keep the peace, share, tell the truth, forgive, be nice to nature, respect others, etc, they then went through all of these positive attributes and encouraged the audience to follow their lead and learn the sign for these words with sign language.
The presentation ended with a standing ovation from all of the invited guests and the students were then presented with special movie star awards for their outstanding efforts. It was a very emotional presentation as it was quite evident how proud the students were of themselves, and congratulated each other with high-fives, handshakes and hugs. Upon presentation of the awards, Cristo-Long let each of her students know that “it was an absolute honour to teach each and every one of (them) and every single student involved is a superstar!” Rossella Bagnato, Superintendent with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board was on hand for the movie screening and was visibly touched by the entire presentation. “This video was proof of the exceptional learning environment in this classroom,” Bagnato said. “We are never surprised by what our students and staff can accomplish, but we are always deeply moved. The staff is outstanding for providing students with the opportunity to flourish at their own unique rate.”
After the presentation of awards, the invited guests were treated to lunch with the students and staff. The group was then informed that this presentation was actually an advanced screening and will be officially presented to the entire school, parents and families during Catholic Education Week which runs from May 6-10, 2013.