Sudbury Catholic District School Board

SCDSB Math Challenge and Bridge Teams Recognized

Students of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board Math Challenge and Bridge Teams were recognized for their excellent efforts throughout the 2005 school year by Board Chair, Paula Peroni at a recent meeting of the Board. Mrs. Peroni congratulated each student individually and presented them with “Certificates of Recognition.” Special plaques were also awarded to the Math and Bridge teams by the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. The plaques will be displayed on the “hall of fame” in each of the individual schools.

Alice Cormier, Special Assignment teacher with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board explained that this was the first year that Bridge was introduced into the elementary panel. “In September 2004, The Sudbury Catholic District School Board was approached by Mr. Charles Crispin, General Manager of the Sudbury Bridge Club, with a proposal to provide Bridge lessons to the Grade 5 and 6 students,” stated Cormier. “Mr. Crispin’s generous offer was accepted by Principals Judy Bellmore from St. Andrew Catholic School and Shirley McKnight from St. James Catholic School.” Under the expert guidance of Bridge volunteer Doug Foreman, instruction was provided at St. Andrew School. Grade 5 pupils – Kelsey Aho, Nathan Bartell, Neha Chauhan, Leah Dupuis, Tylor Duval, Brenna Hallock, Cody Hillson, Andrew Johnston, Joseph Lister, Marie Longo, Jordan Miller, Jennifer Paquette, Cortnie Pinard, Brittney Smith, Savannah Whall, and Cody Wisniewski as well as their teacher Waldemar Swiatek soon became proficient Bridge enthusiasts.

At St James Catholic School, Bridge instructor Jennifer O’Hara engaged a group of grade six students in teacher Amanda Douglas’ class in enthusiastically learning the intricate skills associated with Bridge. St. James’ participants were Alyssa Jylha,
Jake Atkinson, Alexander Hunter, Jaysen Osawagosh, Matthew Soini, Ryan McInnes, Sean Dupont, James Johnson, John Lalonde, and Robert Larose.

Over the course of instruction, teachers and students came to recognize and appreciate the benefits of their participation in this unique program. In her presentation to the Board, Mrs. Cormier noted that;

• Bridge improves short – term memory retention in primary school children. According to the “Report of Minibridge Pilot
Research Project, St. Paul’s Church of England Primary School, Manchester, England” significant improvements in short-term
memory retention were found in four of the ten children.

• Teachers (from this same study) reported that the Bridge Program stimulated creativity, critical thinking skills, improved
concentration and attention to detail. They also pointed out that it was good value for the money expended and easy to administer.

• According to the Bridge Federation the “game of Bridge brings together logic, communication, social competence, and decision making in a unique way.”

• Students have commented that playing Bridge “helps them think, takes their mind off other things, gives them confidence and challenges them” (comments are from pupils in after-school bridge programs)

• Values of Bridge as related to the Ontario mathematics curriculum: enhanced communication skills, practice in constructing arguments to justify reasoning, data management skills improved, students were given the opportunity to use concrete objects during the games.

• Most importantly – it is a challenge but FUN!

Math Challenge

Once again this year, the Sudbury Catholic District School Board hosted Junior and Intermediate Math Challenges. The participation throughout many SCDSB schools was overwhelming, and the success of the program is owed directly to the hard work of those staff and students.

The following is a summary of this year’s results:

Intermediate Challenge:
41 teams (9 schools) took part in the challenge for a total of 123 students from Grades 6, 7 & 8. These teams completed five challenges during the year. We thank the coaches who helped make this a success!

Plaques were presented in two categories:

Highest Overall Average
St. Francis Catholic School

Most Improved
St. John Catholic School

Certificates were also are awarded to teams with the highest scores.

ST PLACE – Teams with the highest score of 24/25:

Team # 30 St. Francis Catholic School
Team # 33 St. Francis Catholic School
Team # 34 St. Francis Catholic School
Team # 39 St. Mary Catholic School
Team # 44 Marymount Academy
Team # 62 St. James Catholic School

SECOND PLACE – Teams with a score of 23/25:

Team # 38 St. Mary Catholic School
Team # 41 Marymount Academy
Team # 42 Marymount Academy

THIRD PLACE – Teams with a score of 22/25:

Team # 31 St. Francis Catholic School
Team # 36 St. John Catholic School
Team # 37 St. Mary Catholic School
Team # 61 St. James Catholic School
Team # 63 St. James Catholic School
Team # 64 St. James Catholic School

In the Junior Challenge, 25 teams,(7 schools) took part in the challenge for a total of 100 students. Five challenges were completed. Again, I would like to thank the coaches for their hard work and enthusiasm.

Plaques were awarded in two areas:

Highest Overall Average
St. Andrew Catholic School

Most Improved
St. Anne Catholic School

As with the Intermediate Challenge, certificates were awarded to teams with the highest scores.

FIRST PLACE – Team with the highest score of 24/25:
Team # 4 St. Anne Catholic School

SECOND PLACE – Team with a score of 23/25:
Team # 1 St. Andrew Catholic School

THIRD PLACE – Team with a score of 21/25:
Team # 6 St. Anne Catholic School

A special thank you to everyone who made these challenges so successful!


Representing the St. Anne Math Challenge Team (L-R) are: Taylor Hanson, Yvon Doiron, Michael Haney, Madame Pickard,
Chad Williamson, Bradley VanAlphen, Chris Sloan

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