Sudbury Catholic District School Board

The Marymount Academy Music Department Proudly Presents a Spring Pops Concert!

Tuesday June 3rd, 7pm – Marymount Gymnasium – Admission by Donation
Baked goods and light refreshments provided.

Senior Concert Band, Junior Concert Band,
Grade 9-12 Strings Class, and Grade 9 Instrumental Music Class

The entire music department has collaborated to perform an evening of popular movie and TV themes for friends, family, and teachers alike. From the Simpsons to Pink Panther, Jurassic Park to E.T. there’s something for everyone! You’re invited to join us for this celebration of all that the music department has worked hard to accomplished this year including the:

Senior Concert Band who won a Silver at the Northern Ontario Music Festival, a Gold at the Kiwanis Music Festival, Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association award, and a Bronze at the Toronto Music Festival in May on their performance trip.

Junior Concert Band (gr.7-10) who won a Bronze at the Northern Ontario Music Festival, a Gold at the Kiwanis Music Festival, the Lougheed Family and Staff award, and have just returned from their two day performance tour of Sudbury Catholic Schools (thanks again to St. Andrew, St. Raphael, and Immaculate Conception!).

Senior Percussion Ensemble who won a Gold a the Kiwanis Music Festival and the Estelle Scappatura award.

It has truly been a fantastic year for the music program at Marymount and we are thrilled to entertain audiences once again by sharing the music we love!

SCDSB Hosts Fifth Annual Turning Points Essay Contest

Students, parents, teachers and invited guests gathered at the Sudbury Catholic District Board office on May 7, 2014 to take part in the SCDSB’s fifth annual Turning Points Essay Contest Awards ceremony. This essay contest is an initiative that stems from the Learning Partnership, which is an organization that champions a strong public education system to deliver innovative programs, credible research, policy initiatives, executive leadership and public engagement across Canada. Turning Points is a character development and literacy program that allows students to reflect on their fundamental values and, through a process of self-reflection and dialogue, write a narrative essay about a significant event, or turning point in their lives. As it is the fifth year, student participation has continued to grow as teachers have continued to encourage their involvement with this rewarding program. The Turning Points Essay Contest is a powerful character development and literacy program that all 4 of our secondary schools, as well as the intermediate students at St. Anne participate in this year. There are 3 divisions, Grade 7/8, Grade 9/10 and Grade 11/12. The top three essays for grade 7/8 and 9/10 and the top 4 essays for Grade 11/12 were selected. There were also several honourable mentions for the 9/10 and 11/12 categories. Cash prizes were awarded for secondary essays. All essays will also be published in an annual anthology that will be sent to students and participating schools next year. The 
students that took part in this contest and authored the winning essays were awarded plaques, a copy of the publication, as well as monetary awards at the celebration.
 The students were honoured for their efforts and several students had the opportunity to read their essays allowed. The audience was visibly moved by these emotional accounts and several staff involved spoke of the courage and strength of their students to be able to write such heart-felt accounts of their experiences. Top prize went to Rilie Phillips of Marymount Academy.

Outdoor Learning at St. Bernadette

With the wonderful, warm weather arriving, why not teach outside? On Tuesday May 27th, the 5/6 French Immersion class from St Bernadette Catholic Elementary School took their learning to the pavement. After learning about variables in equations, the students solved algebra problems and communicated their thinking using sidewalk chalk. Teacher Chantal Therrien exclaimed that “The students thoroughly enjoyed working with their math partners to solve the missing variable under the sunshine!”

Sudbury Catholic Elementary Band to Perform at Bell Park

Grade 7 and 8 students from four local Catholic Schools have been busy preparing for a hectic spring concert series. The 56 member Sudbury Catholic Elementary Band will perform Sunday night at the Grace Hartman amphitheatre to kick off the City of Sudbury’s 17th Annual Bell Park Concert Series.
In the coming weeks, the group will also travel to each of their home schools (St. Anne, St. Benedict, St. Raphael and Piux XII) to put on concerts for elementary school students and teachers. The last leg of their tour will take them to Mother St. Bride School in North Bay for a joint concert with the host school’s band. Afterwards, the band members will tour lake Nipissing aboard the Chief Commanda II.
The Sudbury Catholic Band had a very successful school year, taking home Gold and Silver awards at local festivals, and performing numerous concerts, including a surprise performance for the board’s retiring director, Catherine McCullough.
Sunday night’s concert begins at 7 pm and everyone is welcome. In the event of rain, the concert will be re-located to the CNIB building at 303 York Street.

SCDSB Rams Intermediate Badminton Tournament Results

On the weekend of May 24, the SCDSB Rams Intermediate Badminton Tournament was held and with the following results:
Boys Singles
1st Place Pat Thoms (St. James)
2nd Place Brady Maltais (St. Charles elementary)
3rd Place Max McGuillivray (St. James)
4th Place Caleb Rivers (St. James)

Girls Singles
1st Place Emma Dionne (St. Raphael)
2nd Place Amy Chiasson (St. Charles elementary)
3rd Place Olivia Legendre (Marymount Academy)
4th Place Angelina Ouellet-Schutt (St. Charles elementary)

Boys Doubles
1st Place Mark Thoms and Pat Thoms (St. James)
2nd Place Brady Maltais and Brett Guse (St. Charles elementary)
3rd Place Liam Williamson and Kevin Ranger (St. Raphael)
4th Place Max McGuillivray and Kelly Thompson (St. James)

Girls Doubles
1st Place Hope Lamontagne and Amy Chiasson (St. Charles elementary)
2nd Place Hannah Castonguay and Kohl Gray (St. Charles elementary)
3rd Place Crystal McLennon and McKenna Cresswell (St. Anne’s)
4th Place Emma Dionne and Gabriela Alves (St. Raphael)

Mixed Doubles
1st Place Pat Thoms and Summer Desloges (St. James)
2nd Place Hope Lamontagne and Brady Maltais (St. Charles elementary)
3rd Place Mark Thoms and Marina Leblanc (St. James)
4th Place Kelly Thompson and Amelina Iturregui (St. James)

Congratulations to all the students who participated!

Welcome to Kindergarten at St. Bernadette

Marco Curic and his parents left the St. Bernadette Catholic French Immersion School Welcome to Kindergarten event with a bag full of supplies to use throughout the summer in preparation for Full Day Kindergarten. St. Bernadette, which will be implementing Full Day Kindergarten in September 2014, partnered with Cedar Park Daycare, the New Sudbury Best Start Hub and the Greater Sudbury Public Library to offer newly registered students a hands-on opportunity to experience “a day in the life of a kindergarten student”. Children and parents circulated through stations where they were able to create and explore with Play Dough, use scissors, crayons and glue to cut out and decorate the first initial of their name and ask questions during storytime on the carpet.

St. Charles College Receives Special Privileges to Visit the SNO Lab

On Thursday May 15, the St. Charles college senior physics class was given the opportunity to head underground and visit the SNOlab, which is the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory.

This unique and world class facility specializes in high end particle physics, chemistry, and astronomy. The students were given a one-time opportunity to experience several experiments including the search for dark matter.

Normally this tour is reserved for University students, but Physics teacher Tim Kingshott received special permission for a one time tour for St. Charles College.

Spring Chicks are Back at St. David School

The St. David Catholic Elementary School junior kindergarten classroom has been filled with anticipation and excitement over the last couple of weeks. Lindsay Michel, the school’s junior kindergarten teacher organized the hatching of chickens in her classroom.

Mrs. Michel’s aim was to provide a thrilling educational experience for her young inner city students. St. David School is located in the Donovan area of the city. Mrs. Michel wanted her students to experience the joy of life while learning to build empathy for other forms of life. The students watched patiently as their eggs hatched and new born chicks emerged from their shells.

The St. David junior kindergarten program meets the needs of young inquisitive learners by providing them with the opportunity to participate in hands on, child centred, inquiry based learning. It is through a relationship building focus that the school creates an environment that supports student engagement and real world learning experiences.

Zumba at St. Andrew Catholic Elementary School

During the month of May students from St. Andrew School have been enjoying Zumba classes every Friday afternoon. Staff and students enjoy the good music and learning all the dance/exercise moves. Pictured are Rachel, Generose, Serena and Chloe from the grade 4/5 classroom as they show off their moves.

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