Sudbury Catholic District School Board

St. Benedict Staff Support Local and Provide Students With Special Delivery

In an effort to support a local business and provide the opportunity for students to practice cooking skills, the Special Education staff at St. Benedict CSS ordered and delivered Twiggs Coffee Roaster’s Pizza Kits to each of the students from the Life Skills and Communication classes. Students were given all of the supplies needed to make their own pizza creation! Students were excited to see staff from afar and staff enjoyed seeing the pictures of their pizza creations.

e-Learning Summer School For Secondary

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to announce that we will be providing several new summer learning opportunities this year. We are now accepting registration for our Summer e-Learning Courses for secondary students. There will be several other learning opportunities offered this summer through the school board; this is just the first group of learning opportunities available.

Summer e-Learning Courses for Secondary Students

Summer e-Learning courses are full-credit courses available to students who are currently registered in grades 9-12. These courses are taught by qualified Ontario Teachers across the province. These courses are fully online and typically consist of a blend of online lessons and independent work. Students who are successful in a summer e-Learning course typically commit to working 4-6 hours a day from Monday-Friday for the 4 weeks that the summer course is offered. Secondary Summer e-Learning courses cover the same range of content that is typically covered during a full semester course in a condensed timeline.

Courses are offered in English, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies, and the Humanities for students currently in grades 9-12.

The Sudbury Catholic District School board will be offering Grade 11 Religion (HRT3M), Grade 12 Religion (HRE4M), and Careers/Civics (CHV2O/GLC2O). Co-op may also be available in some circumstances.

Students must have the prerequisites to register for a course over the summer. For more information about specific courses, please contact the guidance contact at your school:

St. Charles College-
St. Benedict CSS-
Bishop Alexander Carter-
Marymount Academy-
St. Albert Learning Centre

To register for a summer course, please fill in the registration form:

You will need to log in before you can view this form. Please log in using your Sudbury Catholic Username and Password.

Username: (ex:
Password: Same as the vLE, MS Teams or Google Classroom

St. Charles College – Summer School Registration 2020
St. Benedict CSS- Summer School Registration 2020
Bishop Alexander Carter- Summer School Registration 2020
Marymount Academy- Summer School Registration 2020
St. Albert Learning Centre- Summer School Registration 2020

Marymount Academy Tops the List for This Year’s Fraser Institute Report

Marymount Academy has topped the list in the Greater Sudbury area for the annual Fraser Institute report. The school garnered a grade of 8.4 out of 10. This also puts the school in the top 40 secondary schools in Ontario out of more than 700 schools across the province. St. Benedict C.S.S and Bishop Alexander Carter also received positive scores of 7.8 and 6.6 respectively.

Marymount Academy is the only all-girls academy in Northern Ontario and focuses on providing innovative and engaging learning opportunities for its students. This year, the Grade 12 leadership class had the opportunity to lead faith retreats for Grade 7 and 8 students. Students also fared well in the annual Board wide science fair and the school continued to offer students specialized learning through the SHSM programs of Arts and Culture, architecture and engineering and Non-profit.

The staff and students at Marymount Academy also focus on community projects throughout the year, gathering together to celebrate Thanksgiving as a school. They also contributed to the Warm Soup for Warm Hearts initiative where students helped form a human chain to pass over 200 containers of soup to the Samartian Centre to help feed those in need.

“When you enter the walls of Marymount, you are not just entering a building. You are entering into the Regal family,” said Lori Holden, Principal of Marymount Academy. “Teachers and students work together to create an environment that follows our school motto- Learn that you may Live. I believe this environment allows our students to excel into well rounded young adults.”

Sudbury Catholic District School Board Places Second in 2020 Sustainable Schools Report

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board has placed second in the 2020 Sustainable Schools report from the Climate Change Network. The report recognizes the most energy efficient school boards in Ontario. The board previously held the sixth position in the 2019 Sustainable Schools Report.

The board was honoured on May 20 where they were recognized for the reduction of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The facilities department endeavours to incorporate energy management in all decision making whether it be for maintenance, capital projects or operations. Evaluating energy impact allows the board to make incremental enhancements in products and processes that eventually add up to measurable improvements.
Whenever possible, the board has also incorporated energy saving products and design into capital projects whether it be high efficiency boilers, increasing R-value in building envelopes or converting lighting systems to LED. One of the most important tools the facilities department utilizes to support efficient operations in our buildings is the Building Automation System (BAS). We manage as many building systems as possible with our BAS and the facilities team is constantly auditing and improving the system to ensure maximum efficiencies.

“We are very pleased to be recognized by the Climate Change Network for our sustainable practices,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “We have moved four places up in this report over the past year and continue to make positive changes that benefit not only our schools and our board but the environment that surrounds us. We thank our facilities and planning department for their diligence and ongoing work in sustainability and we look forward to continue to improve upon our practices.”
“I am very proud to share in the announcement of the 2020 Sustainable Schools Report. It truly speaks volumes to the work that is accomplished each year to improve our ranking,” said Michael Bellmore Chair of the Board of Trustees. “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we thank our hardworking staff, particularly those in our facilities department and our senior admin team for their ongoing efforts to improve our sustainability practices.”

The Climate Challenge Network is a non-profit organization bringing together collaborative, data-driven sectoral programs, currently for municipalities, hospitals, and school boards. The Sustainable Schools report can be viewed in full at the following link: 2020 Sustainable Schools Report

Students Participate in #SkillsAtHome Challenge Series

Students at Sudbury Catholic Schools are joining in on the fun with the various challenges  hosted by  Skills Ontario and Edge Factor . There are 16 #SkillsAtHome contests that explore the skilled trades and tech through a series of challenges on Twitter, testing student’s skills without ever leaving home.

Challenge Number #3, involved students using their creativity to create a wacky hair style.

Pictured above is Entrepreneur & founder of Scrunchies by Milena, (all proceeds of her sales go to NOFCC, Northern Cancer Foundation, Hospice Care and Children’s Wish Foundation) who created the word L-(Gracie B)O-(Milena R) V-(Marly K)-E (Brooke P)!

Mrs. Zambelli and Hunter take a break from a history lesson to join in on the fun!

Challenge Number #4:  #SkillsBridgeChallenge tests students skills in design, planning, and construction! Bridges will be judged by longest distance and heaviest weight held. Deadline to enter is May 25th at noon

To join in on the fun:

        – Follow Skills Ontario on Twitter here!
        – Read the rules and guidelines for the challenge you’d like to participate in the chart
        – Tweet your submission to @skillsontario with hashtag #SkillsAtHome and the challenge-specific hashtag.

Calling all and educators: We are very pleased to invite you to our Virtual Parent Engagement Series!

Every week throughout the month of May, join virtual learning/information sessions as we create an online community of support for parents and educators. Sessions include Internet Safety, Supporting Students Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Google Classroom: The Parent Connection, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Learning About the Dangers of Human Trafficking, French as a Second Language Supports, Reading supports through Lexia, and Reading and Writing!

Sessions will take place each week in May from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. virtually on Zoom. Don’t miss out! Register now at the following LINK.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

St. David School Celebrates Students During Catholic Education Week

During Catholic Education week, we need to count on the faith within us and believe that our school community will support one another and work together to promote the faith in others. Hope brings us closer together during these challenging times and allows us to reflect on what is important in life. During the month of May we celebrate the virtue of empathy, which allows us to continue to build relationships with our families and school community partners.

In light of Catholic Education week, St. David School felt their students should be recognized and celebrated for their efforts in giving back to their school community in various ways. The students selected received a $100.00 PC gift card for their random acts of kindness, leadership and inspiration, which was virtually displayed on their online learning platforms and social media. These students ignite hope in their classmates, peers, teachers and families as they display their sheer motivation to persevere even when times get tough, like this pandemic crisis we are all facing.I would like to thank PC Loblaw’s for giving St. David School the flexibility and opportunity to celebrate our students and families during this difficult time of Covid-19. I would also like to highlight our Educational Assistants for making this day possible for our students. Without your genuine care, love and kindness, this opportunity for giving back would not have happened without you.

Sudbury Catholic Students Spread Kindness to Seniors this Mother’s Day

Students at Sudbury Catholic Schools participated in a challenge that was posted by Goshenite Seniors Services to create 500 Mother’s Day cards for seniors in the Sudbury area.

Not being in a physical classroom didn’t stop Mrs. Cimino and her Grade 1 students at St. David School from coming together to help Goshenite Seniors Services.

“It is especially important during these difficult times to provide students with authentic opportunities for them to act as caring and responsible citizens,” said Mrs. Cimino.

Milena Raso, a grade 11 student at Marymount Academy is currently enrolled in the Specialized High Skills Major for Non-Profit Industry. She too jumped at the opportunity to bring positivity to members of our community.

“I am very blessed to have my grandmother living with me and listening to her stories about not having technology and other modern-day conveniences. It shows me how life has changed. Hearing it first-hand, rather than from reading it in a textbook makes it much more real to me. I think it’s important for youth to be more active in caring for our elders and realize that we have a lot to learn from them,” she explained.

Cards will be sent directly to Goshenite Seniors Services who will distribute them over the weekend.

Girl sits at her computer

Catholic Education Week: Igniting Hope

Each year, we proudly celebrate Catholic Education Week alongside the Province of Ontario. This year’s celebration is titled, “Catholic Education: Igniting Hope” and will be celebrated during the week of May 3 – May 8. 

This year’s theme, Catholic Education Week: Igniting Hope, is timely as the pandemic calls us to adjust to new routines. Please stay tuned to our social media pages as we share virtual activities, messages of hope and student work throughout the week. 

We are all invited to celebrate a Catholic Education Week Mass scheduled for Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins will be celebrating. You are invited to participate “virtually” in this celebration of the Eucharist by clicking on the following link at the scheduled time:

Register Now! E-mail Copied to Clipboard