Sudbury Catholic District School Board
February 12, 2007

Hockey Rules at St. Mary Catholic School

St. Mary Catholic School recently celebrated Family Literacy Day. The theme for the day was “Hockey Literacy” and students wore their favourite team jerseys. The primary grades rotated from class to class and enjoyed stories and activities geared to hockey. Literacy Day activities ranged from redesigning a hockey book cover to producing hockey cards or creating a hockey jersey. Many thanks to guest readers Mrs. Estelle Scappatura, Trustee for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and Mr. Roland Muzzatti, Academic Superintendent for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board for volunteering their time to read to the students.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the day judging from their comments such as: “I had a great day and it was fun!”… “It was fun because it was about hockey and I love hockey”…”Hockey Rules!”…”I liked when we got to make a hockey card.”…”Today was the best day ever”… and …”When can we do it again?”

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