Students at St. David School put their love of outdoors, creativity, and innovation into action with the Cardboard Sled Challenge! Studen used collaboration and teamwork skills to create a Cardboard sled to represent their class. The only materials they were able to use were cardboard and duct tape to make their epic creations. The project is part of the Canadian Playful Skills Network project – a national network of schools dedicated to deepening and broadening play-based pedagogies.
Students raced their completed sleds with excitement on January 23.
“We did a net design to reduce the amount of seams in it,” said Grade 5 student Dharshan Shinoj.“We also did a small paper prototype before we started so can make sure it’s a feasible design.”
“To make it go fast, we put tape on the bottom and we coloured it with crayons so it’s waxy and slippery,” added Grade 5 student Xander Pharand.
The event was part of the Canadian Playful Schools Network – a national network of schools dedicated to deepening and broadening play-based pedagogies across four modes: green (outdoor-focused), screen (digital), machine (building and making for a purpose), and everything in between, which speaks to the fundamental importance of place, identity, language, and culture.