Sudbury Catholic District School Board

Join Us For SCDSB’s Annual Carousel Event – Register Now!

Registration is open for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s (SCDSB) annual Carousel Event hosted by the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)! Join us for an evening of networking and workshops on timely topics in Catholic Education.

Event Details: 

When: Monday, April 15, 2024, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Where: Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School | 2997 Algonquin Road 

Carousel topics will include: 

Mental Health & Well-Being, Cyber Safety, Building Resilience, Autism Support, Bullying Awareness & Prevention, Preparing Your Child for High School Success, The Foundations of Reading, Supporting French Language Learners and more. Click here to view our session descriptions!  


How To Register? 

Click Here to Register:  2024 CAROUSEL EVENT

2024 Workshop Topics

2024 Registration Form

Holy Cross Student Holds Fundraiser for Canadian Cancer Society!

Holy Cross Kindergarten Student, Wyatt Jack

Wyatt Jack, a senior kindergarten student at Holy Cross Elementary will cut off his long locks on May 1st, 2022. The five-year old’s hair will be donated to Angel Hair for Kids, an organization dedicated to building confidence and joy in children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments, alopecia, and other medical conditions. 

In addition, Wyatt is raising money for the Canadian Cancer Society and will be donating specifically to liver cancer. Wyatt started his Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser with a goal of raising $1200 and if he met his goal, he would cut off 12 inches of his hair. In less than 24 hours, Wyatt met and exceeded his $1200 goal. 

The idea for his compassionate gesture is very close to Wyatt’s heart. Wyatt’s two friends lost their father to liver cancer and Wyatt wanted to do his part to raise awareness and funds for the Cancer Society. Wyatt will be letting these two-family friends cut off his hair on May 1st

Wyatt hopes his school community will rally behind him as he pushes past his goal and continues to raise awareness and funds to fight liver cancer. 

Donations to Wyatt’s campaign can be made up until April 30th by visiting the website below. 

St. Benedict & Holy Cross Are Reminded That Water is Life!

Hannah Morningstar, a guest speaker and third year biology student speaks to more than 800 St. Benedict and Holy Cross students on Earth Day.  

Last Friday, April 22nd, was Earth Day. On this occasion, the entire SCDSB community took time to appreciate the natural beauty surrounding us reflect on the way our planet provides for us. While we celebrate and honour the environment all year long, Earth Day was a special opportunity for students and staff to reflect on their actions and strengthen their commitment as stewards of the Earth. 

More than 7 hundred St. Benedict’s students and another 100 Holy Cross students joined forces on Earth day to recognize the importance of water in their world.

Together, they wore blue and green to prepare for an upcoming water walk happening on Thursday, May 5th, 2022

Guest Speaker Hannah Morningstar, a third year Biology student spoke about the significance of Nibi or water and the shortage of clean water in our world. She also spoke of the commitment of women to protect Nibi.  

Elder Frank Ozawagosh led a water song on a water drum with 15 year old student Tiaraoluwa Esan. 

The event was organized by Indigenous Support Worker Shannon Agowissa.  

Pictured below is Elder Frank Ozawagosh and 15 year old student Tiaraoluwa Esan complete an honouring water song together on flute and water drum.

Sudbury Catholic Schools Celebrate Pink Shirt Day!

February 23rd, 2022 was Pink Shirt Day, and we were pleased and excited to see our entire community eagerly participating!

Throughout the day, students, faculty, and staff at Sudbury Catholic Schools dressed in fabulous pink shirts, effectively showing their support and solidarity against the issue of bullying and the impact it has on our everyday lives. Below we provide a small a sample of some of the amazing pink shirts worn throughout the day!

Photo Gallery

Pius XII

St. Francis

St. Joseph

Holy Cross

St. John

Holy Trinity

St. David

What is Pink Shirt Day?

Bullying is a major issue and affects everyone from schools to the workplace, to even home life. But no one has enough power to stop it by themselves. On Pink Shirt Day, Sudbury Catholic Schools from Kindergarten all the way to Grade 12 work together to put a stop to bullying by coming together and wearing pink shirts.

Every year, on the last Wednesday of February, schools around the world observe Pink Shirt Day – an anti-bullying campaign that began in 2007 when a boy in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing his favourite pink shirt to school. When he returned home from being teased, in a show of solidarity, two older students purposely wore pink shirts the following day. This act not only demonstrated the power and choice each of us has to help others, but it was also a conscious decision that allowed them to make a stand against bullying and in the process ignited an important campaign that continues to grow support every year. 

How to think pink?

Pink is a colour that symbolizes everything bullying stands against. It’s bright, cheery, and warm. However, on this day it has become more than a colour – it has become a stronger and brighter message. A message that say’s that we refuse to let this issue continue! And while simply wearing a pink shirt might seem insignificant, such an action has the power to spark up conversations and bring awareness for people to take control of their lives and recognize what’s happening around them. Whether you have a pink shirt or not is asides from the point. The message of the day is the most important to remember. By working to be friendly, responsible, compassionate individuals, we ensure we all continue to think pink and grow into strong leaders in learning and faith.

Sudbury Catholic School Students Send Valentine’s Day Greetings to Seniors Home 

Students at Holy Cross and St. Benedict Secondary School in the southend of Greater Sudbury teamed up to make seniors smile this Valentine’s Day.

How? With a simple act of using creativity, imagination, and love, students handcrafted beautiful, heartfelt greeting cards to lift the spirits of residents at Finlandia Village, in the Hoivakoti Nursing Home located in Minnow Lake.  

After being created, the cards were hand delivered and distributed to residents at Finlandia on Monday, February 14th, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Upon receiving the messages, Finlandia extended their appreciation for the generous act and shared a huge thank you to students, staff, and volunteers for the coordination of the project.

Thank you so much for all the awesome Valentine’s day cards. The students did a really great job, and the residents were smiling from ear to ear. They sure made Valentine’s day extra special for our folks!” – Jeanna de la Morandiere, Finlandia

Ben and Bradley from Madame Riutta’s French Immersion class at Holy cross display their Valentine cards.
Continue reading “Sudbury Catholic School Students Send Valentine’s Day Greetings to Seniors Home “

Holy Cross Student Will Donate Hair to Cancer Centre

Next week, a Sudbury Catholic District School Board student will generously donate a piece of themselves to help patients in a worthy cause.

Pictured: Jackson Jost-Noob

Jackson Jost-Noob is a fourth-grade student and fearless 10-year-old at Holy Cross Elementary School in the south end of Greater Sudbury. Before Feb. 19th, 2022, his hairdresser will cut off a total of 12 inches of his long, golden hair to then be donated to the Cancer Centre to help patients fighting cancer.

By cutting off his long hair in multiple ponytails, he will definitely be looking like a brand-new student, but his family, teachers and friends say they will all know him to be the same, warm-hearted child eager to help others any way he can.

Although Jackson says he feels a little apprehensive about losing so much hair, he feels really good knowing that it is going towards helping someone on their journey of fighting cancer.

His mother, Monika Jost, said she initially got the idea from a male student in high school who did the same thing and donated his hair years ago. Then when COVID happened, she presented the idea to him.

“I think we all remember that time when everyone was running around with a signature COVID-19 haircut,” jokes Monika. “When COVID happened, and Jackson could not get haircuts, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to do something.”

Jackson hopes that his actions will inspire other people to do the same and rock a new signature look. “I hope other kids will consider growing their hair and donating it because it is a good thing to do.”

“We are very proud of him,” says Monika. “What he is doing is beautiful. We’re excited that we are able to have this positive experience and believe it can encourage other children his age about the powerful act of doing something for someone else out of the goodness of your heart.”

Jackson expressed that he is already considering growing out his hair again and donating it once more. We are so touched by this amazing act of kindness from one of our young leaders.

Please stay tuned for pictures of Jackson’s hair cut happening next week!

Holy Cross Students Brainstorm How to Lift Their Spirits for Bell Let’s Talk Day!

For Bell Let’s Talk day, Holy Cross students from Madame Riutta’s class hold up their class mind map of ideas for staying positive and hopeful!

This week, lots of students have been brainstorming new and creative ways to lift themselves up when stuck in a negative rut. In addition to these wonderful mind maps, students have also made posters, videos and morning announcements on the topic! The idea is based on the book “How to Get Unstuck from the Negative Muck” by Lake Sullivan.

Stay tuned to CTV Northern News tonight as the teacher Mr. Clapperton and student Lia Gallo will be featured in story about Bell Let’s Talk day!

Holy Cross students reflect what has helped them be successful during remote learning

Students at Holy Cross School in the South End missed being in-person at school, but rather than sit back these young leaders found creative ways to focus on the positive and stay connected to their friends and teachers! 

In an innovative way that allowed them to unite and connect with their school community from afar, Holy Cross School asked their students, with their guardian’s permission, to submit pictures and share incites on what got them through the latest stint of online learning at home. 

Bradley Wolski, in grade two, expressed that he enjoyed being cozy in his room while drumming and making noise during music class. He also enjoyed taking Dewey the dog for a walk at recess time. What a good idea! 

Preeya Mulligan-Graton says, “what helps me learn online is knowing that all my friends are learning with me. We are all in it together.” 

Tishe Esan says what keeps her going is “a comfy and quiet place where she can concentrate when learning at home.”

Overall, students thoroughly enjoyed speaking about their personal experiences on how they have been learning online. 

Although many students are looking forward to returning to in-class learning in the near future, this opportunity provided an integrative experience where students could discover how other individuals in their exact position kept positive.

A total of 24 students submitted their stories and pictures. As a special reward for inspiring and uplifting their school as young role models, these students received their very own Cub toque to help them keep on the schoolyard upon their return. Great work, Cubs! 

Students Send Postcards to Space!

Ms. Reale’s Grade 1 & 2 students at Holy Cross School had fun learning about the solar system! Students listened to the story, “There’s No Place Like Space” during story time.  Following, as a class, the students imagined living in space and created rules that they would need to follow to keep safe.  

Here are some of their rules for living in space:

  1. Stay together as a group.
  2. Always be kind.
  3. Always put your space gear away when not being used.
  4. Don’t talk to aliens!
  5. Always wear your space safety belt.
  6. Be helpful.

Students then picked the rule they felt was the most important and designed their very own postcard that will be sent into space.  These postcards will be returned and upon return, each postcard will get stamped with an official “Flown to Space” stamp. 

Club for the Future will send the postcards into low Earth orbit on the Blue Origin New Shepard rocket.  Watch the New Shepard Rocket  launch and land with thousands of postcards.  

Thanks to a partnership between Let’s Talk Science and Club for the Future, Canadian students are invited to design a postcard that will be sent into orbit. Now is the chance for students to own something that has been to space and back. There is no deadline for this project, the earlier you submit your postcards, the earlier they will return.There are many ways you can use this activity with your students. It can be a fun craft or mindfulness activity that also sparks reflection and creativity.  If you would like to have a grade appropriate lesson presented to your class can contact

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