Sudbury Catholic District School Board

Grades 5-6 Students Learn how to Make a Social Justice Poster!

In our second Social Justice Club session, Taylor (Cambrian College Social Justice Student) led the students through an activity whereby students brainstormed various social justice issues. 

Art and culture have always played an important role in every successful movement for social change. Art can educate and inspire one’s imagination beyond the realm of what politics can do.

Students then watched Artist Activist, Favianna Rodriguez, share tips on how to create a social justice poster. 

Her suggestions:

  1. Keep it Simple. People will look at your artwork for less than 5 seconds so using 6 words or less is most effective.
  2. Use symbols from our culture and nature that people will recognize. 
  3. Create posters using collage.

Watch Favianna Rodriguez’s video here: How to Make a Social Justice Poster

Download Favianna Rodriguez’s pdfs to print out templates here: Layout Colouring Pages

Students Learn how to Make a Social Justice Poster!

Check out St. Paul’s Grade 6 student Cadence Young’s social justice poster.

My poster is about peace on earth because I see a lot of people are not in a peace mood most of the time.”

Sudbury Catholic School Students Raise $3350 for Habitat For Humanity!

Last month, over 300 Sudbury Catholic School students in Grades 4-6 used their critical thinking and innovation to submit entries in the forms of essays, stories, and poems on the topic of what HOME means to them as part of the Meaning of Home Contest sponsored by Chapman’s Ice Cream.

For every entry a student submitted, Chapman’s pledged to make a $10 donation on behalf of that student to Sudbury’s local Habitat for Humanity organization to help build safe and affordable homes for families in the Greater Sudbury community. 

With this contest, our students helped to build safe homes, but they also gained greater awareness surrounding the national issue of Canada’s housing crisis that so many families struggle with all over Canada. By working together to make a local difference, our students were able to see how they can contribute to building a just society for others and grow as leaders in learning and faith.

As a result of the hard work and efforts completed by staff, educators, and elementary students, Sudbury Catholic Schools collectively raised $3350 to be donated to the Local Habitat for Humanity Chapter by Chapman’s Ice Cream.

“It was exciting to provide our learners with a meaningful activity that supported them into becoming more advanced writers. These writing tasks not only challenged our students to make a difference in the world around them by thinking creatively about the topic —the meaning of home— it showed that by working together, a simple action can produce extraordinary results.” – Peter Prochilo, SCDSB Superintendent of School Effectiveness 

In addition to helping families in Greater Sudbury, the contest was an opportunity that helped students live out and apply the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations – important principles that support Catholic students in becoming more responsible citizens and collaborative contributors in the community. The success of the contest clearly demonstrated how Sudbury Catholic School students understand these expectations and how to apply them in their life and in their education.

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board would like to thank all of our teachers and students for participating in this initiative. Collectively, our actions at Sudbury Catholic Schools resulted in a $3350 donation, but as a country we raised over $130,000 in corporate donations! Please refer to the Meaning of Home Thank You Letter! 

We invite you to check out some of the wonderful entries submitted by our students!

Sudbury Catholic School Entries

Grade 4 Christians Remote Learning School

Grade 6 Max V St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

When someone asks what HOME means to me one word comes to mind. LOVE. Home is where my mother and brother live with me.  What makes our home special is that my mother has worked so hard to design a new home that meets our needs.  From the day we hammered the SOLD sign in the ground till the day we moved in we visited it each and everyday to see its progress. When I am older, I want to be an architect, so I helped my mom design the house and worked with the blueprints. I even got to design my very own secret room downstairs. It was a ton of fun! 

My home is not a place. Home has feelings. Feeling like relaxation, comfort, happiness and love. Home is where my family comes to visit, eat and spend time together. A home is where I can build memories and since our home is new the possibilities are endless. I am excited.  

My home smells of fresh baking, homemade pasta sauce, a special candle or a fresh load of laundry.  When I enter the doors of my home I take a deep breath and smile.  

My home is a place where we can all wind down sit on the couch in front of our fireplace and talk about how our day was. My home is where I can be myself. If I want to listen to my Genesis vinyl full blast I can.

I am so lucky to have a caring home filled with LOVE.

Grade 4 Fiona Remote Learning School

Bishop Dowd Strengthens the Catholic Identity of Students During Visit to St. Paul School

Staff and students at St. Paul Catholic Elementary School were delighted and blessed to have the Most Rev. Thomas Dowd, Bishop of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, spend the day at their school.

During his tour, Bishop Dowd took the time to visit classrooms where students ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 6 excitedly had the opportunity to speak with him and ask many questions. Not only did Bishop Dowd answer their questions, but by sharing his knowledge and faith, the experience also served as a wonderful learning opportunity that strengthened their Catholic identity in the process.

These discussions included conversations on various topics students are currently studying in their religion classes. For example, discussions focused on Sacred Scripture, the Sacraments, Catholic prayers, the ministry of the Holy Father, and also the Diocese’s activities.

Students were especially interested in Bishop Dowd’s role as Bishop of the Diocese of Sault Saint Marie, asking many questions regarding his vestments. They learned that his crozier, also called pastoral staff, is his staff with a curved top that symbolizes the Good Shepherd. They also learned about his episcopal ring and how it represented the Bishop’s faithfulness to God and the Church.

The teachers and students at St. Paul School were super excited when Bishop Thomas Dowd visited them! One student proclaimed, “Wow! I can’t believe we just met the Bishop!”.

One teacher said: “It was very nice to have Bishop Dowd take time out of his busy schedule to come and spend time with our staff and students. They were so invested in his presentation and learned so much!”

With the constraints of the pandemic, schools have had limited visitors, making this visit even more special. “We were grateful and blessed to have had Bishop Dowd visit us and share his support, and we hope we can continue to create more opportunities like this in the future to help strengthen our faith and Catholic learning within the classroom.” Say’s Cara Soehner, Principal of St. Paul

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SCDSB Students Participate in Hour of Code Activities All Week Long!

We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increase depending on their understanding of how technology works.

That’s why once again this year, students at Sudbury Catholic Schools joined in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 6-12th 2021). 

We would like to thank Professor and Program Coordinator of Game Design at Cambrian College Aaron Langille, who presented two informative and engaging sessions about Coding and Gaming to our students. In addition, thanks goes out to all of our amazing teachers, parents & volunteers! With their help, our students joined students around the world and participated in Hour of Code activities or tutorials 20 MILLION times this month!  

To commemorate the event, Sudbury Catholic teachers and students that participated in an Hour of Code were entered into a draw to win a classroom prize pack! Congratulations goes out to: Martine Shydlowsky and her grade 6 French Immersion class! Prizes will be distributed in January! 

Draw Prize Winners: Martine Shydlowsky and her grade 6 French Immersion class.

It was incredible to witness our students share in discoveries and big ideas throughout Computer Science Education week. Check out our next generation of computer scientists in action!

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