November 8 was Indigenous Veteran’s Day. It’s a day when we pay tribute to the invaluable contributions made by Indigenous veterans in Canadian military services. We’re pleased to share a few stories on how various school communities have observed this day.
In the Southend, our school community at Holy Cross came together to recognize Indigenous Veteran’s Day and Remembrance Day. In addition to commemorating the sacrifices of our veterans, they also reflected on the precious gift of peace that we enjoy in Canada. Special appreciation goes to today’s readers – Vada, Abigail, and Maryse – for their exceptional contributions.
Over at St. Anne, students collaborated with their school’s Indigenous Support Worker, Carissa Bruyere, to create unique medicine wheel poppies. These poppies serve as a heartfelt “Miigwech” to Indigenous veterans for their dedicated service to our nation—Miigwech Carissa for organizing this lesson.
St. James students in the Ojibwe Language class joined Atikameksheng Anishnawbek’s Remembrance Day service today. This annual community partnership continues to be an important opportunity for students to engage in meaningful actions and foster their learning. They sang ‘O Canada’ and participated in a recitation of ‘In Flanders Fields’ in Anishinaabemowin. Following this, they shared a meal with community members. Students demonstrated their thanks by helping with the post-event cleanup. Miigwech to Jessie Gorman, St. James’ Indigenous Support Worker (ISW), and the Atikameksheng community for facilitating this opportunity for students. Miigwech!