Do you want to work with a passionate team who is committed to providing a quality learning environment for our students? Bring your resume, meet our team, and learn what Sudbury Catholic Schools has to offer during our Employment Fair!
Event Details
When: Saturday, February 3, 2024
Time: 9 a.m. – noon
Where: Holy Trinity School | 1945 Hawthorne Drive
We are currently hiring for a variety of positions:
- Teachers
- Secretaries
- Early Childhood Educators
- Educational Assistants
- Custodial Services
- And more!
We can’t wait to see you there!

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact our Human Resources department if you have any questions regarding our upcoming employment fair or job opportunities at Sudbury Catholic Schools:
Human Resources Services
Sudbury Catholic District School Board
165A D’Youville Street
Sudbury, ON
P3C 5E7
Phone: 705.673.5620
Fax: 705.673.1070