Sudbury Catholic District School Board

Catholic Education Week (May 6-10)

Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education. This year’s celebration is entitled, “Catholic Education: We Are Called to Love” and will be celebrated during the week of May 5 – May 10

The five sub-themes for Catholic Education: We Are Called to Love are:

  • As people of hope
  • As people of faith
  • As people of mercy
  • As people of justice
  • As people of joy

Catholic Education Week 2024

Activities & Events Planned for Sudbury Catholic Schools: 

Catholic Education Week is a special opportunity for the Catholic community in Ontario to come together and celebrate the unique identity and contributions of Catholic Education. There are always a variety of activities and events that Sudbury Catholic Schools have planned for this special week.

Board-wide activities involving families and students include:

May 6: Toonies for Tuition Day 

On May 6, schools are invited to come together to “fan the flame of hope” by dressing in bright colours like red, orange, and yellow to make Sudbury Catholic Schools shine bright for Catholic Education Week. Staff and students are encouraged to bring a toonie to support Toonies for Tuition, which will be donated to the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association Endowment Fund for distribution to Catholic families in need.

May 8: Catholic Education Week Mass

A Catholic Education Week Mass will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. His Eminence, Gerard Bergie, Bishop of St. Catharines and President of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, will be celebrating the Mass. Schools across the province are invited to participate virtually in this celebration of the Eucharist.

May 8: OCSY Day Conference

Secondary Students from Sudbury Catholic will participate in the 2024 Ontario Catholic Student Youth (OCSY) Day Conference. This event will also take place on May 8th and is being planned and coordinated by the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association’s Catholic Board Council, with support from OCSTA. The 2024 OCSY Day Conference will be hosted virtually.

Children’s Mental Health Week

May 6-12 is Children’s Mental Health Week. Members of the Mental Health team will be completing activities in schools to engage staff and students. This year’s Mental Health Week is cantered on the healing power of compassion. #BeKind 

May 10: Wear Green for Children’s Mental Health Week

Schools are encouraged to wear green on Friday, May 10, to promote children’s mental health and show support for children with emotional disorders.

Skills Ontario Provincial Competitions

Secondary Students from Sudbury Catholic will participate in the 2024 Skills Ontario Competition. The Skills Ontario Competition will be held at the Toronto Congress Centre on May 6-7 followed by a closing ceremony on the 8th.

Love Rocks!

Classrooms will receive supplies to craft rocks adorned with inspiring messages to spread love, kindness, hope, and encouragement throughout the community for Catholic Education Week. Help us promote kindness and positivity within our community by sharing your Love Rocks with us on social media! Tag us @sudburycatholicschools #SCDSBLoveRocks

Hope Clouds Activity

On May 6th, the SCDSB Mental Health Team has organized an inspiring activity for schools centred around the theme of Hope. Students can craft their own “Hope Clouds,” reflecting on their aspirations and dreams. They will also consider actionable steps toward achieving these aspirations and identify sources of support.

OCSTA Resources

The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) has developed and shared daily resources and lesson plans for classrooms to participate in. With the support of the OCSTA and the Catholic community, Catholic education in Ontario continues to thrive.

Note: Resources are available in both English and French.

You can view the official Catholic Education Week song below:

Holy Cross Students Prepare for Catholic Education Week

It was “buddies day” at Holy Cross School ! In preparation for Catholic Education Week next week, classes decorated their own fish art. Like a school of fish, we are many, we are one! 🐠🎨

This year’s theme is “Catholic Education: We are Many, We are One.” From May 1 to May 5, 2023, Sudbury Catholic Schools will join Catholic schools across the province to engage in a variety of activities and events that celebrate the unique identity and contributions of Catholic education.

The week will be divided into five sub-themes: 

  • When we see
  • When we listen
  • When we reflect
  • When we learn
  • When we act

Catholic Education Week: We are Many, We are One

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is gearing up for its annual week-long celebration of Catholic Education Week. This year’s theme is “Catholic Education: We are Many, We are One.” From May 1 to May 5, 2023, Sudbury Catholic Schools will join Catholic schools across the province to engage in a variety of activities and events that celebrate the unique identity and contributions of Catholic education.

The week will be divided into five sub-themes:

  • When we see
  • When we listen
  • When we reflect
  • When we learn
  • When we act

OCSTA Resources

The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) has developed and shared daily resources and lesson plans for classrooms to participate in. With the support of the OCSTA and the Catholic community, Catholic education in Ontario continues to thrive.

You can view the official Catholic Education Week song below:

Board-Wide Celebrations 

Catholic Education Week is a special opportunity for the Catholic community in Sudbury to come together and celebrate the unique identity and contributions of Catholic education. From Toonies for Tuition Day to the Catholic Education Week Mass, there are a variety of activities and events that we have planned for this special week.

Toonies for Tuition Day 

On May 1st, schools are encouraged to dress up like a bee or wear yellow and black to participate in Toonies for Tuition Day. Staff and students are encouraged to bring a toonie to support Toonies for Tuition, which will be donated to the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association Endowment Fund for distribution to Catholic families in need.

Catholic Education Week Mass

A Catholic Education Week Mass will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, will be celebrating the Mass. Schools across the province are invited to participate virtually in this celebration of the Eucharist.

Children’s Mental Health Week

May 1-5th is also Children’s Mental Health Week. Members of the Mental Health team will be completing activities in schools to engage staff and students. Schools will also be encouraged to wear green on Thursday, May 4, to promote children’s mental health.

Skills Ontario Provincial Competitions

Thirteen secondary students from St. Charles College and two students from Bishop Alexander Carter will compete in the annual Skills Ontario Provincial Competitions at the Toronto Congress Centre from May 1-3.

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