Guest Speaker: Indigenous Veteran ~ Tim O’Loan
Sudbury Catholic Schools is pleased to invite Grade 7-12 classrooms to attend a presentation by our guest speaker, Tim O’Loan. Tim O’Loan is a is a proud indigenous (Sahtu Dene) Veteran, having served 10 years (1983-1993) in the military. During his presentation, classes will be taken through Tim’s story as he provides his insight and experiences to provide an engaging presentation that ends with an interactive Q/A session.
WHEN: WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12, 2022 AT 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
REGISTER: To get the zoom link to attend this presentation, please email
More Information:
“Tim O’Loan comes from two wounded communities: one military, one Indigenous. Tim is a proud Indigenous (Sahtu Dene) Veteran, having served 10 years (1983-1993) in the military. Throughout Tim’s life he experienced massive amounts of racism and trauma. The racism and his search for his identity was something Tim struggled with until his mid 40’s when he started working at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).” Given his unique history, Tim O’Loan now identifies as a knowledge keeper and continues to share this unique perspective across Canada and beyond, particularly through the Indigenous Veterans lens, mental health and Reconciliation.