Purpose and Goals
Schools under the jurisdiction of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board exist primarily to assist parents in developing to the fullest the academic, the intellectual, spiritual, physical, cultural and moral growth of their children.
The goals of education for exceptional pupils are essentially the same as those for all other students.
- To develop completely their individual talents as members of society and as unique and responsible individuals.
- To provide them with opportunities to grow in Faith and in an understanding of the nature and purpose of life.
- To provide programs and services for students with special education needs according to the area of exceptionality defined by the Ministry of Education.
- To cooperate with other school boards and community agencies when necessary to provide a full range of programs and services designed to meet the needs of students with diverse abilities.
- To provide within the special education funding envelope of resources at the community school level such that most exceptional pupils can remain with their fellow pupils in the regular classroom.
Program Description
Our Board Model
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board strives to provide maximum growth and development opportunities for every pupil including those with exceptionalities. Every elementary and secondary school has an “In-School Team” comprised of administrators, special education teachers, classroom teachers and one representative from the Academic Services Department. The ‘in-school team’ closely monitors the progress and address the needs of all at-risk and exceptional students. The Special Education Staff of the Learning Support Services at the school board office operates to assist the community school in this challenging task.
Our Central Office Team consists of:
- The Superintendent of School Effectiveness
- Special Education Consultant
- Special Education Resource Facilitator
- Special Education and ELL Support Teacher
- Teacher of the Blind
- Attendance Counsellors
- Speech and Language Pathologists
- Communicative Disorders Assistant
- Psychologist
- Special Education Support Worker
- Mental Health Lead
- Social Workers/Psychotherapists
- Child and Youth Practitioners
- Board Certified Behaviour Analyst
- Itinerant Behaviour Support Workers
- Special Education Support Clerk
We also have support at each school which includes: educational assistants, intervenors, teacher of the blind/low vision, school facilitators, resource teachers, student success teachers, special education teachers, guidance teachers and program lead teachers.
This team of professionals works in close cooperation with the staff, parents, public health personnel, curriculum consultants, superintendents and all pertinent community agencies to help address the particular needs of exceptional pupils.
SEAC Committee
In compliance with Regulation 464, the Special Education Advisory Committee holds at least ten meetings per year. At least five of these meetings are In-Service meetings.
At the various in-service and business meetings, the SEAC makes recommendations in the form of motions, regarding the Board’s Special Education Plan, including Programs and Services for Exceptional Students. SEAC follows policy and procedures outlined in SCDBS’s SEAC Handbook
At budget meetings and SEAC meetings, the Special Education budget is reviewed and highlighted. Financial statements, the budget and the revised estimates are reviewed on an annual basis.
SEAC in-service and business meetings are generally scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Meetings generally are held at the Catholic Education Centre. Meeting dates and times are sent to all parents via the Board’s annual calendar and posted on the board’s web site.
In order to assist the SEAC in making informed recommendations, the Board will provide orientation sessions and may arrange for knowledgeable persons to provide in-service training sessions for members during regular SEAC meetings.
SEAC members are first nominated by various local associations and parent groups. If the nominees meet the criteria to be on SEAC, the names are presented to the Board for approval. The Board repeatedly places ads in the local newspapers recruiting new nominees.
The Board continues to have a dedicated and supportive SEAC.
2023-2024 SEAC members include:
- Chantal Makela, SEAC Chair (Spark Employment Services)
- Stephanie Gilchrist (Children’s Community Network)
- Catherine Sutherland (YMCA of Northeastern Ontario)
- Jessica Gaudette (Kina Gbwzhgomi Child & Family Services)
- Kristin Kewaquom (Kina Gbwzhgomi Child & Family Services)
- Geneviève Rivard (Compass/Boussole/Akii-Izhinoogan)
- Taneesha Hare (Nogdawindamin Family & Community Services)
- Catherine Maclean (Autism Ontario)
- Michael Bellmore (Board Chair)
- Shirley McKnight (Trustee – Alternate)
- Erica Raymond (Superintendent of Education)
- Anthony Rocchio (Special Education Consultant)
For more information about the Special Education department, please contact 705.673.5620 x204.