Sudbury Catholic District School Board

Register Now with Sudbury Catholic Schools!

How do I register my child?

We invite you to register for the 2025-26 school year on our online registration platform. Please use the following link to pre-register for school. 

Please note, if you are new to your neighbourhood or new to our school board, the Student Services Consortium can help you locate the school closest to your home or daycare and, if eligible, arrange for busing for your child.

If you have questions about the registration process, please contact us at

About Sudbury Catholic Schools

Through inclusive, innovative, modern and caring learning environments, we empower and inspire our students to excel in a changing world. The Sudbury Catholic District School Board provides a first class education to over 6000 students in 17 schools across Greater Sudbury. We are proud of our Catholic faith and traditions through which the Gospel values of Jesus Christ permeate every aspect of our daily school life including the curriculum, assessments, instructional approaches, and teacher and student resources. We are committed to excellence in learning for all students from kindergarten to grade 12 and welcome you to the Sudbury Catholic Family.

We offer two program options for students: Regular English and French Immersion. Register today and join us as we work together in realizing our vision of creating leaders in learning and faith!

What school will my child attend?

If you are new to your neighbourhood or new to our school board, the Student Services Consortium can help you locate the school closest to your home or daycare and, if eligible, arrange for busing for your child. Be certain to specify the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and be prepared to provide your child’s grade and program (Regular or French Immersion). If you wish to send your child to a school outside of your boundary, please contact the principal of the desired school to discuss your options.

Elementary Students

If an elementary student or one of his or her parents/guardians is baptized Catholic, the student will be enrolled using the standard registration process. If an elementary student does not meet this criteria, he or she may still enroll. Please complete Appendix A – Religious Expectations Agreement Form for Sudbury Catholic Elementary Schools and submit the completed form to the school. Should you have any further questions please contact the school.

Secondary Students

Secondary schools in Ontario are ‘open access’ and we are pleased to welcome all students in grades 9 through 12. If you are a non-Catholic family, please complete Appendix B – Religious Expectations Agreement Form for Sudbury Catholic Secondary Schools and submit the completed form to the school. Should you have any further questions please contact the school.

For further information on the registration process, please see Admission to Catholic Schools.

Program Brochures


Grade 7-8

Grade 9

How can I register my child for On-site Day Care, EarlyON and Before & After School Programs?

These programs operate independently from Sudbury Catholic Schools. Please contact the daycare directly after referencing the list of programs and services by school.

Sudbury Student Services Consortium


Kindergarten Information Brochure

Direction of School Support

Did you know as a property owner in Ontario, you are required to support a school system, even if you do not have children? 

It’s important to regularly verify your tax-directed support by either checking your property tax bill or by speaking to your landlord to confirm. By doing so, you make a conscious decision to support the school board that best reflects your educational preferences, and you will also be able to vote in that board’s next municipal election for trustees.

By default, your property taxes support your municipality’s English public school board and will reset each time you move residences. In order to support Catholic Schools, you must declare yourself as an English Separate (Catholic) supporter. To support SCDSB, follow the steps on our Direction of Support page.

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