Sudbury Catholic District School Board
April 20, 2017

Special presentation: Get involved in your child’s learning with keynote speaker George Couros

The Parent Involvement Committee is presenting an evening of learning with keynote speaker George Couros – innovator and educator. Parents, educators and community partners are invited to participate and discuss the importance of engaging with children and education through social media and online tools. Free child care will be provided to those who pre-register.

When: May 11, 2017 6:30 p.m.

Where: St. Charles College, 1940 Hawthorne Drive

Title: Involving Parents in the Process of Learning

Description: Parent involvement in the learning process of schools is the number one factor for student success. As schools look forward towards using social media to improve learning in their schools, many parents are fearful of what this means. Social media provides an opportunity for parents to have meaningful engagement in the learning of their child. This can greatly change the conversations not only at school, but also at home with the child. This talk provides peace of mind to parents while also engaging them in considering the unique opportunity they have to participate in their child’s learning.

For further information and to register see the event flyer.

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