Catholic School Community Comes Together to Celebrate Each Other

A group of Sudbury Catholic Administrators, principals, vice-principals, and staff, as well as school faith leads, trustees, parish partners and parental representatives joined together at the Diocesan Centre on St. Anne’s Road on Thursday, September 29 for a common goal – to celebrate and unite as a Catholic community. Leading the conversation was John Kostoff, Director of Education for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and author of “Auditing our Catholic Schools – A Process of Discernment, Discussion and Action”. Kostoff spoke to the group about being the “most authentic, faithful, community that you can be.” The connection between school, home and parish, Kostoff explained, is the triad that allows for this authenticity that is the foundation of the Catholic School system.
To start off the day, the group celebrated mass with Bishop Noel Simard, and then began to dialogue by sharing best practice and positive experiences with each other. Breaking off into groups – which included school administration, teachers, and parish partners – the conversation inspired new ideas and a common focus. “ We are so fortunate to be able to come together as a Catholic community – school, parish and parental partners – and communicate with each other our hopes and ambitions,” Catherine McCullough, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board stated. “It is inspiring to be a part of something much larger – and have the opportunities to be able to contribute ideas and share our faith – we are truly strengthened as a Catholic community as a result.”