Sudbury Catholic District School Board
December 11, 2009

St. Mary Catholic Elementary School Student Wins Coveted Cover of Local Business Calendar

Tyler, McVey, a Grade student from St. Mary Catholic Elementary School was shocked when he received a phone call that let him know that the picture he had drawn had won the coveted spot on the Northern Credit Union’s annual calendar. “I just couldn’t believe it!” stated Tyler. “I don’t usually win stuff and I won. Everybody was really happy and I was really happy.” A few months back Gen Waszczylo, principal of St. Mary noticed that the local branch of the Northern Credit Union had posters up advertising a drawing contest for kids. Mrs. Waszczylo brought some of these posters back and encouraged students to participate and told Tyler personally about the contest. “Mrs. Waszczylo knew that I liked to draw so she thought that this would be something I would want to try” said Tyler. All of the submissions were then put online on the Northern Credit Union’s website and could be voted on. The one to receive the most votes was put on the front cover of the calendar. Tyler’s drawing of the Northern Credit Union in Capreol received the most votes. Bev Winn, local Branch Manager was on hand on Thursday to present to Tyler the first copy of the calendar. Tyler’s mom was also present to be a part of the presentation. Both she and Mrs. Waszczylo had tears in their eyes when they watched Tyler receive his calendar as well as some prizes. Winn showed the calendar already has an extra page at the end for January 2011 that is blank. “This is so the kids can do their drawing right on the calendar, cut it off and submit it for next year’s contest.” Tyler was very excited that because of his talents, the Northern Credit Union will also be having a pizza lunch for his whole class. “I have always loved to draw.” said Tyler. “ Now I am going to enter more contests like this because I know that I can win!”

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