Corpus Christi Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Saturday, May 26, 2007 was a very important day for former and present students, parents, teachers and staff at Corpus Christi School as the school celebrated 50 years of Catholic Education. More than 300 people came out to the school to enjoy a barbecue, take a stroll down memory lane by reviewing the memorabilia and listen to some great entertainment.
Jack Cameletti, (principal of the school from 1957 to 1963) was unable to attend the ceremonies but managed to send the Corpus Christi Anniversary Committee a congratulatory e-mail from Sault Ste. Marie where he presently resides. John Tarini the current principal of Corpus Christi Catholic School was very pleased with the excellent turn out and the positive comments from the public regarding the status of his school with respect to sports and academics in the Sudbury Community.
“Corpus Christi is a top academic school, one of its most recent accomplishments was winning the Battle of the Books contest involving both local English-language school boards,” stated Tarini. “As for sports, we are just coming into our own, we now have baseball, volleyball, handball, soccer and track and field we can compete with the some of the best schools in the city.”
Sudbury Catholic District School Board Trustees as well as Senior Administration were also on hand for the celebration. George Middleton, Vice-Chair of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board welcomed students, parents, staff and special guests in his presentation and thanked them for supporting 50 years of quality Catholic Education in the City of Greater Sudbury.