Bishop Carter Students Recognized by Canadian Blood Services

The results of Canadian Blood Services’ Bloodstock 2005 campaign are in and the lives of more than 600 Canadians have been improved by the kindness of the region’s everyday heroes.
As a result of the recruiting efforts of 19 local students (from Grades 11 and 12) registered with the Canadian Blood Services’ Bloodstock 2005 campaign, 452 individuals signed up to donate blood. Of these, 273 made appointments from July 4 to September 2, 2005. Considering one unit of blood can save up to three lives, these donations suggest that the lives of over 600 Canadians have been enhanced by this generous contribution.
Forty-nine per cent of the donors associated with Bloodstock 2005 are new. This is a significant success story, as a recent Ipsos-Reid survey reported that 52 per cent of Canadians indicate that they or a family members were in need of blood or blood products for surgery or medical treatment. In spite of this fact, less than 4 per cent of the eligible population donated blood last year. Given that the demand for blood is constant, an important objective of Canadian Blood Services is to continually build its volunteer donor base to ensure the necessary quantities are available.
“Engaging young people to assist in recruitment efforts has provided Canadian Blood Services with champions from an important demographic,” says Liz Spooner-Young, Senior Clinic Coordinator for Canadian Blood Services North/East Ontario & Nunavut. “Even though you can become a blood donor at the age of 17, approximately 80 per cent of our donors are over the age of 25. We need to reach out to youth so that they see the value in becoming an everyday hero in our community.”
For their efforts, students participating in Bloodstock 2005 who successfully met various recruitment goals had their names entered in a draw for educational bursaries provided by local business sponsors. Students who did not reach a milestone goal but contributed to the Bloodstock 2005 campaign through increased public awareness were recognized with a Canadian Blood Services watch.