Sudbury Catholic District School Board

Students on Placement

As a student on placement with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, please complete the following documents and mandatory training: 

1. Please review and complete the following documents and return them to the Principal/Supervisor on or before the first day of placement:

Student Placement Confidentiality Agreement

Student on Placement Agreement

Emergency Contact Information Form

Responsible Use of Technology Form

2. Please provide documentation to confirm previous completion and/or complete the following training by following the links and reviewing the material. Please ensure you ask your Principal/Supervisor questions as applicable and provide documentation to confirm completion of training to them.

  • WHMIS (GHS) Introduction (web link and log-in credentials available, if needed please contact Human Resources Services).

3. Please review the following PowerPoint Presentations:

Health and Safety Overview PowerPoint

Workplace Anti-Harassment and Appropriate Conduct and Workplace Anti-Violence PowerPoint

4. Please complete and submit the following Student on Placement Self-Declared Attendance Form to your Principal/Supervisor/or Designate at the end of each month. Completion of this form is part of your participation requirements.

Student on Placement Self-Declared Attendance Form

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