Sudbury Catholic District School Board
 How to Get Involved

Catholic School Council

  • The council prioritizes student achievement, equity and well-being.
  • They focus on the needs and interests of all students in the school.
  • They plan in advance by selecting meeting dates for the entire school year.
  • They create an agenda collaboratively with the principal and chair/co-chairs for each meeting and circulate it to members in advance of the meeting.
  • They are composed of members who represent the diversity of the board.
  • They promote effective, ongoing communication among all partners in education.
  • The inform all participants of any operational procedures at the beginning of the first meeting of the year which may include developing and/or reviewing the Terms of Reference and the Catholic School Code of Ethics and reviewing the School Councils:  A Guide for Members 2002
  • They establish a positive relationship with the school principal and staff.
  • They provide ongoing feedback to parents by letting them know how their advice and ideas have been considered.
  • They have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
  • They have a clear and consistent process for decision making and conflict resolution.
  • They maintain high ethical standards.
  • They facilitate meetings so that all members are given the opportunity to participate.

The Composition of a Catholic School Council consists of the following VOTING members:

  • Parents represent the majority of voting members including the chair/co-chairs who must be parent members
  • One Teacher employed at the school, selected by the teachers in the school
  • One Non-teaching employee of the school, selected by the non-teaching employees of the school
  • One student, in the case of secondary schools, optional for elementary schools (principal of an elementary school in consultation with the council may appoint a student member).  Where a secondary school has a student council in place, they will appoint the student representative.
  • One or more community representatives appointed by council
  • One person appointed by an association that is a member of the Ontario Federation of Home and Schools, if the association is represented at the school.

and the following NON-VOTING members:

  • School principal or designated vice principal

Note: A board employee who works at the school their child attends is not eligible to serve as a parent member of council nor as a chair, co-chair, treasurer or secretary; however, this employee can serve as a teaching or non-teaching representative on council. A board employee can serve as a parent member of their child’s school as long as they declare their status as a board employee, and they are not employed at their child’s school. ​

School Trustees are not eligible to be members of councils within their board.

The election must be held within the first 30 days of the start of each school year. The regulation does not restrict the number of times that a member can be re-elected or reappointed to school council.

Election of Parent/Guardian Representatives

  • Parents/Guardians of a student enrolled at the school are eligible both to vote for and to run as a parent/guardian representative. Self-nomination is allowed.
  • Parents must be given 14 days-notice of the election date. The notice required may be provided by doing one or more of the following:
  1. Giving the notice to the parent’s child for delivery to their parent.
  2. Posting the notice in the school in a location that is accessible to parents.
  3. Delivering the notice to the parent by email or by other electronic means.
  4. Posting the notice on the school’s website or on Edsby.
  • Parent/Guardian Candidate Nomination forms shall be filed by all candidates for parent/guardian positions on the Catholic School Council.
  • No individual campaign literature for Catholic School Council elections may be distributed or posted in the school.
  • School resources, both human and material, may not be used to support candidates or groups of candidates.
  • If the number of candidates is less than or equal to the number of positions, the candidates shall be acclaimed.
  • Elections for Catholic School Council shall be conducted by secret ballot. Voters must submit their ballot either in-person or via pre-determined electronic means within the prescribed voting timeline as outlined by the principal.
  • All eligible voters shall be entitled to cast one vote for each of the candidate positions available at their school.
  • If there is a tie for the final position for a representative on the Catholic School Council, the representative shall be determined by draw conducted by the Catholic School Council Chair, or Principal in the election of the Chair.
  • An election of parent members of a Catholic school council shall be held,
  1. in person, at a location that is accessible to the public; or
  2. by electronic or telephonic means; or
  3. both in person, at a location described above and by electronic or telephonic means.

Parents and other members of the school community are encouraged to contact the school principal or any other member of the Catholic School Council to express their interest in joining at any time. If there are no posts available for the current school year, active members can let you know how else you can become involved with your school until the next Catholic School Council is formed.

  • The first meeting of the new council must occur within the first 35 days of the year after the election.
  • The council shall meet at least four times during the school year.
  • A meeting of council cannot be held unless a majority of the current members of the council are present at the meeting; and a majority are parents/guardians.
  • All meetings of a council shall be open to the public.
  • A council is entitled to hold its meetings at the school.
  • Meetings of a council shall be held:
  1. in person, at a location that is accessible to the public; or
  2. by electronic or telephonic means; or
  3. both in person, and by electronic or telephonic means.
  • A member of a council who participates in a meeting through electronic or by telephone shall be deemed to be present at the meeting.
  • The principal of a school shall provide written notice of the dates, times and locations or means to electronically access each meeting of the council to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the notice is given, is enrolled in the school. The notice required may be given by doing one or more of the following:
  1. Giving the notice to the parent’s child for delivery to their parent.
  2. Posting the notice in the school in a location that is accessible to parents.
  3. Delivering the notice to the parent by email or by other electronic means.
  4. Posting the notice on the school’s website or through Edsby.

  • Each member of a Catholic school council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the council.
  • Each member of a committee of a Catholic school council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the committee.
  • The principal of the school is not entitled to vote in votes taken by the Catholic school council or by a committee of the Catholic school council.

A Catholic school council shall keep minutes of all of its meetings and records of all of its financial transactions.

The minutes and records shall be available at the school for examination without charge by any person. Minutes must be kept for 4 years.

Yes the Catholic School Council may engage in fundraising activities.

The activities must be conducted in accordance with any applicable policies and administrative guidelines and procedures established by the board.  In particular:

Any fundraising by the Catholic School Council must also be reflected in the annual School Generated Funds Plan submitted by principals in accordance with the Board’s Administrative Guideline - CS27 (Appendix A).

The Catholic school Council may engage in the following activities and/or make informed recommendations to the principal or to the board on any matter, including the following:

  • determination of the local school year calendar
  • scheduling significant school events
  • revisions to the school Code of Conduct and Bullying Prevention Plan, at least every two years
  • curriculum and program goals and priorities
  • the Administrator Profile for consideration by the board in its selection of school Principal and Vice-Principal
  • the school’s budget priorities including the local capital improvement plan, for consideration during the board's annual budget review
  • school-based services and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational and nutritional programs
  • school-community communication strategies
  • extra-curricular activities in the school
  • organize information and training sessions to enable members of the Council to develop their skills as Council members
  • engage in fundraising to support student achievement and well-being in accordance with applicable board policies and procedures

Catholic School Councils hold regular meetings throughout the year, and members of the community are welcome to attend. Please contact the school principal or any other Catholic School Council member for a meeting schedule.

Every Catholic school council shall submit a written report annually on its activities to the principal of the school and to the school superintendent of education.

The report shall include:

  1. The council’s goals for the previous school year
  2. Activities and achievements
  3. Fund-raising activities
  4. List of council members and positions held
  5. Dates of council meetings for the year
  6. If the school council engaged in fundraising activities, the annual report shall include a report on those activities.

  • The principal shall, on behalf of the Catholic School Council, give a copy of the report to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the copy is given, is enrolled in the school.  This can be done in person or through electronic means.
  • The annual report shall be prepared and submitted no later than September 30 of the subsequent school year.

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