Holy Mother Statue Returns Home to St. Charles College
The Holy Mother Statue was first purchased by the 1951 Charter Class at St. Charles College and presented to the Basilian priests who ran the school at its Pine Street location. The statue was stationed above the front entrance for many years. When the Basilians sold the property, the statue stayed with the building.
Alumni of the Charter Class have arranged for the statue to be properly restored and donated back to St. Charles College in its current location. The statue will serve as a reminder of the kindness, compassion, and benevolence that the Holy Mother represented. She will hold a special place in the school, and will serve as a visible sign of our faith. The statue was formally placed and welcomed back to St. Charles College during a special Mass which was held on January 11, 2022. Bishop Ron Fabbro, an alumnus, conducted the Mass and was joined by several other alumni including: Gerry Lougheed, Jim Gordon, Roland Muzzatti, Joe Pintur, Anthony Chezzi and Geoffrey Lougheed.