April 07, 2021
St. David School Receives Special Visit from Author!

Grade 1 & 2 students at St. David school had a special visitor from Sarasota, Florida this morning. The students have been reading the series of Howard B. Wigglebottom books in class – as a surprise Mrs. Raso invited Mr. Howard Binko and his friend Howard B. Wigglebottom for a visit.
Mr. Binko, the author read a story called, “Mud and Rainbows”. Howard teaches us that, “We can’t change the world but we can change our mind”.
Afterwards, Mr. Binko showed the students his educational website where students can play a variety of games. The We Do LIsten website also gives students the opportunity to write and colour their own storybook.
Teachers can book Mr. Howard Binko for a visit by emailing him at: info@wedolisten.com