Sudbury Catholic District School Board
April 10, 2018

Marymount Academy Shines at 49th Sudbury Regional Science Fair

Many students at Marymount Academy were successful at this past weekend’s regional science fair!

The following students were listed as winners for their creative and innovative projects:

– Junior Division – Engineering: Sofya Mishchenko and Katherine Brown

– Junior Division – Physical Sciences: Molly McKeever

РCollege Bor̩al Award РPaul Jeanna Sarazin

– Harquail School of Earth Sciences Award: Molly McKeever

-Laurentian University Forensic Sciences Award: Amanda Symington and Catherine Caverson

– Ontario Power Generation Energy Award: Sofya Mishchenko and Katherine Brown

Sofya Mishchenko and Katherine Brown were also listed as Grand Prize winners and will be moving on to the National competition! Congratulations to all finalists!

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