Sudbury Catholic District School Board
January 18, 2016

Social Skills for Student Success

Jarah Preston from the Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury was invited to St. Francis Catholic Elementary School on January 13, 2016 to deliver a presentation entitled, Social Skills for Student Success. The LDAS presentation is targeted to address students in grades 4 to 5. Topics such as emotional awareness and non-verbal awareness were discussed with the junior students. A number of appropriate social skill strategies were provided to students on how to handle various scenarios at school with their peers such as turn taking, sharing and respecting each other’s personal space. The students were engaged during the presentation as many audio- visuals were provided to students to demonstrate examples. The school’s Special Education Resource Teacher, Graziella Visentin, has also invited Jarah Preston to return to the school to present, Victors of Transition, in an upcoming week to all grade 6 students who will be transitioning onto grade 7 at either Marymount Academy, St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School or St. Charles College in the fall.

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