Sudbury Catholic District School Board
July 28, 2015

Another Outstanding Experience at SCDSB Summer School

The 2015 Sudbury Catholic Schools summer camp has come to a close for another year. Each day was filled with literacy, numeracy and aboriginal teachings (and of course Taekwondo).
With students from across the board coming together in one site we are proud of the new friendships formed and the learning that each student did. We thank the parents/grandparents/aunts & uncles and family friends that took time to bring the students to the school every day.
To the students we say keep learning, learn something new everyday. Please take the confidence you got during these three weeks and show your new knowledge. Keep smiling and have fun!
Summer Camp staff want to take this time to remind families that it is important to keep reading together even during the summer holidays. Why not visit the library in person or online? (no library card needed)
See you in September!

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