St. David and St. Raphael Native Language Students Bring History to Life through Cardboard Boat Creations!

After weeks of learning about the birch bark canoe, and how it was used by the Ojibway people and the Voyageurs during the Fur Trade, Mrs. Fielding’s Native Language classes from St. David and St. Raphael School constructed their own boats!
Miigwech (thank you) to Outdoor Education teacher Brad Blackwell for spending many periods mentoring the students in their planning. The two schools met at The Howard Armstrong Center in Hanmer to race againstt each other in their boat’s maiden voyages. Chi-Miigwech to Mrs. Dowdall Cirelli for sponsoring this event, and providing lunch as well as prizes for the two schools. Pictured are Curtis Brown and Anthony Cassondro standing beside their second-place winning boat after the big race. A wonderful, hands on learning day was enjoyed by all!