Experiencing Performance Art and the Written Word at MMA

“If you were an animal, what animal would you be?” This was the question that Tanya Neumeyer, a Toronto based poet posed to one of the English classes at Marymount Academy on April 17, 2015. Neumeyer, a published poet and workshop facilitator, was in town to perform at the (W)rites of Poetry event that night, but visited several of the English classes on April 16 and 17 to work with the students to help encourage their development of poetry and their creative process. The students had to immediately react to the question by acting out which animal best reflected their own personalities. Through these types of activities – performance art and written word, Neumyer encouraged the students to break down their own barriers and feel confident to perform in front of others. “It is always such a great experience for our students when Tanya comes to visit and work with them in small groups and classes,” Lucie Cullen, principal of Marymount Academy explained. “It is such a unique, positive experience that is hugely impactful on the students. It really helps give them a voice and expresses their own creativity.”