Sudbury Catholic District School Board
December 04, 2014

SCDSB holds inaugural Board meeting

On Tuesday December 2 2014, the newly elected Catholic trustees of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board came together in a celebration of community and faith. The evening began with a mass where Father Larry Rymes, Episcopal Vicar, brought greetings on behalf of Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe. The student choral from St Charles College helped celebrate the evening along with family and friends.

During the commissioning ceremony the elected trustees took a Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance. The new board of trustees consists of Jody Cameron, Michael Bellmore, Estelle Scappatura, Ray Desjardins, Nancy Deni, Tyler Peroni and Katherine Boyce (Student Trustee).

The inaugural meeting included the election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Jody Cameron, Chairperson and Michael Bellmore, Vice Chairperson were both re-elected. “I’m very honoured,” said Cameron, the veteran trustee of his re-election as chairperson. “I look forward to working with everyone in continuing to offer high quality programs for our students. Sudbury Catholic is in a great place and we look forward to our continued growth and development.”

Construction began earlier this year on the new schools at SCDSB. The two elementary schools, New East school (located adjacent to St Charles College) and the new site for St David’s (located on Frood Road) are scheduled to open during the next school year.

“We have worked hard to erase the deficit we were faced with and have some great opportunities ahead with the current construction of two new schools.” said vice-chair Bellmore.

SCDSB regular board meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month and all are welcome to attend.

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