Range Day for the CYGA
On Sunday, June 1st some youth from around the Sudbury Catholic District School Board the Rainbow Board, and Lively Golf & Country Club’s junior golf program received free golf instruction from local pro and “Greatest Golfer in Sudbury” John Hastie at the Hwy. 69 Driving Range. John brought along a couple of assistants to help instruct youth on the basic fundamentals of golf. The instruction was focused mainly on safety, the golf grip, setup, and take away. John Hastie is the CPGA Professional at Lively Golf & Country Club and takes great pride in ensuring that every opportunity is present for local youth to get involved with the great game of golf. John, along with Junior Chair at Lively Golf & Country Club, Max Kallio, have put together in conjunction with Executive Director of the Canadian Youth Golf Alliance (CYGA), Ryan Cooney, and Chair of the Board of Directors, Brandon Beeson, a wonderful junior golf program for the youth involved. The Education Chair of the Board of Directors for the CYGA and Marymount Academy teacher, Dan Bartolucci said that “for some of the youth, this was the first time ever swinging a golf club, and it was wonderful to see them involved with the CYGA outside of the classroom as part of the Golf Participation Program.” Once every three weeks, youth from around our local school boards get together and discuss (in a comfortable, seminar like setting) philosophies of life as part of the “Search for Self I” course in the CYGA’s Education Program. “Today, the focus was on the game of golf, and it was great to see some of the youth from Marymount’s CYGA group stepping up and applying that same passion that they do for education and directing it to learning about golf.” Next up for the youth is a “Mentorship Day” on June 13th, where one mentor will golf 9 holes with three CYGA youth. This will include an information session held prior to the players teeing of which will cover a variety of topics ranging from golf course etiquette to golf course culture. To learn more about the CYGA, please visit www.canadianyouthgolfalliance.com.