Sudbury Catholic District School Board
October 18, 2013

Ministry of Education Consultation Held at Laurentian University

A series of consultations are being held across the province by the Ministry of Education on building the next phase in Ontario’s education strategy. On October 17, the Ministry invited a wide range of people to Laurentian University to take part in this information input session which included representatives from various community groups, organizations, advocacy groups and agencies that are either directly or indirectly linked to education. Several school board representatives as well as secondary students were invited to voice their opinions about these educational strategies. Mackenzie Connelly, Student Trustee for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board was invited to give input from a student’s perspective.
The following questions were posed for discussion:

What are the skills, knowledge and characteristics students need to succeed after they have completed school, and how do we better support all learners in their development?

What does student well-being mean to you, and what is the role of the school in supporting it?

From your perspective, what further opportunities exist to close gaps and increase equity to support all children and students in reaching their full potential?

How does the education system need to evolve as a result of changes to child care and the implementation of full-day kindergarten?

How can we use technology more effectively in teaching and learning?

In summary, what are the various opportunities for partnership that can enhance the student experience, and how can they benefit parents, educations and our partners too?

As a result, through the various consultations, it is anticipated that a release of a renewed vision for our education system will be launched in 2014.

For more information, please visit Great to Excellent or contact the Ministry of Education at:

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