Sudbury Catholic District School Board
October 10, 2013

Sandra Herbst ‘Sits Beside’ SCDSB Leaders in Their Learning

On October 2, 3 and 4th 2013, the Sudbury Catholic District School Board hosted learning sessions with Sandra Herbst, co-author of several Assessment for Learning books, a noted system leader, speaker, coach, consultant, and educator with extensive experience in assessment, leadership, and adult learning.

With her warm demure and her real life anecdotes, Herbst shared practical strategies that can be used from the classroom to the boardroom that encourage self-assessment, self-regulation and improved achievement for ALL learners in the board. Over 75 members of the SCDSB community participated in the learning and had nothing but positive feedback to share.


“I really feel that this was one of the best presentations I have attended in my fourteen years with this board. I walked away energized, motivated and with many interesting ideas and strategies to ponder. Ms Herbst was a fantastic facilitator and her belief in educating the whole child connected so well with our catholic graduate expectations.”

“I have been reflecting more on my practice and the way in which I can influence and promote progress in my classroom and my school.”

“What I learned was I need to make myself more vulnerable… in the classroom… just like the teachers who opened their classrooms in the videos we watched.”

“It allowed me to clearly connect with concepts… such as… the difference between assessment and evaluation. It helped me spark new ideas for my teaching practice.”

The learning sessions supported our BIPSA priorities in Assessment for Learning and in technology. If you are interested in reading more on Sandra’s presentation, talk to your respective school leaders to obtain valuable handouts that were shared.

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