Bishop ACCSS Holds Club and Sports Fair

Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School hosted a Grade 9 Club and Sports Fair during the third week of school. Often Grade 9 students find entering Grade 9 and a new high school scary or intimidating. The staff and students at Bishop want students to feel comfortable in their new school and want to encourage students to get involved. Many studies speak to the importance of students getting involved in their school. Students who are involved in any extra curricular activity (sports or clubs) are more likely to stay in school and report higher levels of engagement. Grade 9 students had the opportunity to see the many clubs and sports teams at the school during their annual Club and Sports Fair. Senior students at the school were responsible for setting up a booth and promoting their activity to the Grade 9 students. The Grade 9 students were able to sign up for a club/sport and enjoyed seeing what the school had to offer.