St. Raphael Early Learning Kindergarten Students Celebrate their Moms

Students in the two Early Learning Kindergarten Programs at St. Raphael Catholic School professed their love of their mothers with a show stopping performance on Monday, May 7th. As part of the school’s Catholic Education Week events, the two classes took turns singing songs in honour of their mothers and grandmothers. The families also enjoyed a slideshow and video presentation that had all the students professing what they loved most about their moms. Afterwards they had the opportunity to share in some refreshments with their classmates and their families. Some students were fortunate enough to have generations of moms together in the room – with grandmothers, and even great grandmothers in attendance. Rosemary Tripodi, one of the Early Learning teachers explained the history of the school’s Mother’s Day tea. “We have been hosting this event for approximately five years now,” Tripodi stated. “Every year, we get such positive feedback as it is really is such a wonderful opportunity to not only showcase our students’ talent, but to give parents a chance to enjoy their child’s company in the school setting. The students, their families and the staff really love this event as it is such a feel good morning – everyone leaves with big smiles and warm hearts!” As well as taking in the performances, the parents also walked around the entire gym as every single wall had pictures and tributes to the students’ mothers.