Sudbury Catholic District School Board
April 26, 2012

“Bullying is not Cool – Keep it out of our School!”

Three members of Canadian Half-Pints basketball team visited Immaculate Conception school recently. They spoke to the students and staff about how they were bullied in elementary and secondary schools. Farmer Pete shared with the students that he was teased and called names because of his size and appearance. He explained that he may look different, but he can still do everything any other person can do, including playing basketball. The Canadian Half Pint team spoke about the harmful effects of bullying to students and staff. After the presentation, the Canadian Half Pints played a half court basketball game againstt students and staff. Staff and students cheered on the Canadian Half Pints, and they couldn’t believe how many baskets they made. Principal Louisa Bianchin thanked the Canadian Half Pints for coming to the school and teaching them how “we all belong, we are all brothers and sisters, and together we are better.”

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