Sudbury Catholic District School Board
April 10, 2012

Students at Immaculate Conception Reflect on Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, the students, staff and parents at Immaculate Conception reflected on the night before the Passover, where Jesus took a towel, basin and water to wash the feet of all his disciples. As he washed his disciples’ feet, he said to them: “You, then, should wash one another’s feet. I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you”.
Fr. Michael and staff at Immaculate Conception followed in the foot steps of Jesus and washed the hands of all students. The basin, water, towels and the handwashing were visible signs of service to our students, our community and our God. Students understood what Jesus did for the disciples many years ago, and they too will carry on the work of Jesus, our Lord, and live a life of service.

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