Sudbury Catholic District School Board
February 08, 2012

Daily Physical Activity – Northern Style!

Well January may have had it’s fair share of snow days and snow storms,  but that did not stop  St. Mary Catholic Elementary School School students from braving the weather.  They hit the ground running or shall we saying skiing and snowshoeing on several crisp days in January.
Some of the kindergarten students had opportunities to enjoy their first experiences with snowshoeing and the grade 1,2,3 classes learned the steps to cross country skiing.  “We are fortunate enough to live in the North where we have opportunities to engage in these types of winter activities,” said teacher Becky Waern.  “ We have to take advantage of the snow and winter weather because it will be gone before we know it, “ said teacher Dante Merigioli. 
So taking advantage of the winter weather is exactly what they did, and they had a fabulous time doing so! The students not only explored the trails behind their school in Capreol,  but they learned how to ski and snowshoe while on their expeditions.

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