Sudbury Catholic District School Board
December 08, 2011

“Come Read With Me” at St. Bernadette

St. Bernadette Catholic School hosted a COME READ with ME parent workshop on the evening of December 7th, 2011. Parents and students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn reading strategies that they can use at home with their young students. Teachers were on hand to provide descriptive feedback to parents as they honed their newly accquired skills and parents left that evening with a goody bag of reading activities to use at home with their children to extend the learning.
Ms. Salvador, Principal of St. Bernadette Catholic school, commented that, “We are thrilled when home and school can partner up in this way to work towards the literacy success of each of our students. Research indicates that when parents are actively involved in their child’s education great strides can be achieved. and we look forward to hosting many more such teaching/learning evenings for the parent community.”

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