Sudbury Catholic District School Board
November 03, 2011

Donovan Area Catholic School and Best Start Hub Work Together to Serve Community’s Needs

The Best Start Aboriginal Hub and the teachers of St. David Catholic School have partnered to meet the needs of the Junior and Senior Kindergarten students. Eileen Creasely and Nakina Stevens, two HUB employees facilitate monthly hands on lessons based in Aboriginal culture and tradition that are closely linked with the new kindergarten curriculum. Each class is invited to the HUB once a month for a fun, culture based lesson. Many of the lessons include song and dance opportunities as well as the opportunity to new a word in the Ojibwe language.

Lindsay Michel, St. David School Kindergarten teacher states, “this not only benefits all our students, but also benefits the teachers and educational assistants in the school. New learning is good for everyone. As teachers, it is important for us to model to our students that we too are lifelong learners and open to new ideas and the learning of a different culture. This program really helps to build connections between the school and the HUB. The students see us learning together, laughing together and working as a team”.

The school and the HUB plan to continue this program throughout the school year. “We appreciate the support and team building opportunities the HUB offers the school”, states Michel. “We have a lot of fun working together”.

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