Sudbury Catholic District School Board
October 30, 2011

An Evening of Learning and Sharing with Parents

Schools under the jurisdiction of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board exist primarily to assist parents in developing to the fullest the academic, the intellectual, spiritual, physical, cultural and moral growth of their children. The aims of education for exceptional pupils at Sudbury Catholic are essentially the same as those for all other students – to develop completely their individual talents as members of society and as unique and responsible Christian persons, and to provide them with the opportunities to grow in Faith and in an understanding of the nature and purpose of life.
On Wednesday, October 26, 2011, parents and community partners were invited to take part in an evening of learning and sharing with parents, to inform and discuss the needs of all learners and to get a better understanding of the different strategies and technologies used to assist students in their learning. “This evening was inspired by what the schools are doing,” Rossella Bagnato, Superintendent of School Effectiveness stated. “At Sudbury Catholic Schools, we believe in open and honest transparency, and we want our parents to know exactly how our board team works with their children and help them better understand how we can positively support them.”
On hand throughout the night were several speakers from this team including Christina Raso, Special Education Consultant for the Board, Jennifer Connelly, Assistive Technology Teacher, and Catia Temelini, one of the Board's Communicative Disorders Assistants. Each speaker explained their role to the parents and described how their role assists the students in the classroom and school communities. Rossella Bagnato also addressed the group and defined for them their two main goals. “The first is to build relationships and develop the capacity of parents to help their children and achieve their goals.” The second goal, Bagnato explained, is that the Board is embracing the strategy implemented by our schools to increase parent understanding of our programs, services and procedures. “Whether our students, have learning disabilities, physical disabilities or other learning challenges, the special education staff at Sudbury Catholic strives to provide the maximum growth and development opportunities for every pupil including the exceptional.”
The team also took some time to model much of the assistive technology for the parents so that they could see what tools are being used, how they are being used, and to ask any questions they may have to better support their child. Resource material was available for the parents to review, discuss and take home after the session so that the parents could learn even more about the supports for the special education needs of their children. For more information about special education at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, call 673-5620, or visit the Board’s website at [ http://www.sudburycatholicschools.c ]

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