Sudbury Catholic District School Board
October 24, 2011

“Trick or Tree”

This fall the teachers and students of St. David Catholic School have embarked on a challenge to make their school a healtheir place.  One of the “green” initiatives they have initiated is to plant almost 2000 saplings in a local area that suffers from deforestation. The grade 5, 6 and 8 classes and their teachers learned from local biologist, Franco Mariotti, that “if one class plants trees, we have created a new habitat.  If everyone in the school plants a tree then we have created an ecosystem”. 

“This is a great example of authentic learning”, teacher Jennifer Gran stated, “we are excited that our students have the opportunity to take classroom learning into the real world and have fun while making our community a healtheir place”.  Not only are the students planting saplings in the community, they all were given a sapling to take home and plant with their parents and families.

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