Sudbury Catholic District School Board
October 14, 2011

St. Charles Elementary Kicks Off Dearness Conservation

Students at St. Charles Elementary Catholic School gathered in the gymnasium on October 14, 2011 in a traditional way for their Dearness Conservation kickoff. Students and staff support, promote and practice programs that foster stewardship of the earth which are integrated with the Medicine Wheel teachings, Catholic Graduate Expectations and Virtues of the month.

St. Charles teachers and students were assigned a Direction and asked to dress in the colour corresponding in the Medicine Wheel (East-yellow, South-red, West-black and North-white). They were called down to the gym by Direction starting with the East and ending in the North. Students wrapped around the gym forming a human Medicine Wheel as they sat attentively and listened to the teachings of Elder, Vince Pawis. Following the teachings, Gr. 5 teacher, Ms. Cormier explained the importance of the Dearness Conservation Program and how each student is responsible for making a commitment to a healtheir Mother Earth.

The students are excited to learn about their role as stewards of the earth and how they can make a difference.

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