Sudbury Catholic District School Board
June 06, 2011

Immaculate Conception School is Drug Aware

On Wednesday, May 25, 2011- Immaculate Conception School held its first Drug Awareness Community Partnerships Night. James Bolan, Substance Abuse Counsellor, Brenda Stankiewicz, Public Health Nurse and Constable Julie Midena shared valuable information with parents and community partners about the different types of street drugs that are out in our community. James Bolan shared stories and information which captivated everyone sitting in the audience. His message is very clear when it comes to drug use, “Be aware of drugs, don’t start and say “No”. Nurse Stankiewicz and Constable Medina presented all the known drugs in the community. They spoke about the health and social consequences of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, ecstasy, heroin, methamphetamines, crystal meth, datura, and even homemade drugs that are made to look like candy. Constable Medina explained the role of the police when they are called in regarding the presence of drugs and drug use. Nurse Stankiewicz encourages parents to talk to their children about personal safety, dangers of drugs use and keeping medication and alcohol out of sight at home.
After the formal presentation, parents had the opportunity to mingle with our guest speakers and ask questions. Constable Medina announced that a Drug Awareness Community Partnerships Night would be held this fall in November. Immaculate Conception Principal, Louisa Bianchin was pleased with the event and said that she “hoped that all parents and community partners learned a lot from the evening and that they find the time to attend the next information session.” She also expressed her thanks to the following people for attending and participating in the Drug Awareness evening – James Bolan, Brenda Stankiewicz, Constable Julie Medina and Trustee Michael Bellmore.

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