Celebrating Numeracy Awareness on the 100th day of School

The students in Early Learning Kindergarten at St. Raphael School celebrated the 100th day of school with pomp and pageantry.
Students made books about the number one hundred. They also brought in collections of 100 items from home. The students also made ties to literacy by reading 100 books and even sang songs for the 100th day celebration.
Teacher Rosemary Tripodi and Early Childhood Educator Domenic Vicedomini also got into the spirit by wearing blazers with 100 colourful pom poms attached. They also decked out their classroom with 100 colourful balloons.
Vicedomini says “the day brought number awareness to such a large number”.
Tripodi says “it was also an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments and growth because this is the first year of school for many of the students”.
The day will continue with the creation of 100 Fruit Loop necklaces, and opportunities for the students to present their collections of 100 items.