Sudbury Catholic District School Board
December 07, 2010

SCDSB Trustees Elect New Chair and Vice Chair

On December 7, 2010 trustees from the Sudbury Catholic District School Board gathered for their Inaugural Board meeting at which time Barry MacDonald and Paula Peroni were acclaimed as Chair and Vice-Chair (respectively). Both Chair MacDonald and Vice-Chair Peroni will serve in their newly elected positions for the 2010-2011 school year.

Barry MacDonald represents Zone 6 and is beginning his eighth term as a trustee with with Sudbury Catholic previously sitting as Vice Chair. In his address to the Board, MacDonald expressed his gratitude to the other trustees for having faith in him and “looks forward to working together with fellow trustees, community partners and all stakeholders to ensure that the Board is delivering exceptional Catholic Learning for all SCDSB students.” As well, MacDonald told the group that “previous Chairs have set the bar and is really looking forward to the challenges ahead,and working on them together as a team.”

Paula Peroni, representing Zone 5, brings to her role 13 years of trustee experience having served 2 years as Ontario Catholic Trustee Association (OCSTA) President, 2 years as OCSTA Vice President, 2 years as Canadian Catholic Trustee Association (CCSTA) Vice President and is currently sitting as CCSTA President. As well, Peroni has served several terms as Sudbury Catholic Chair and Vice Chair. Peroni also expressed her thanks to her fellow trustees for their confidence in her abilities and felt privileged once again “to be an integral part of such a dynamic, faith-filled system that influences so positively the community of which it serves.” Peroni also added that she happily accepts the position of Vice Chair. ”It feels good to be back in a leadership role at Sudbury Catholic and I am excited to be part of such a talented team. I am very optimistic that it is going to be a great year.”

Also in attendance were newly elected trustees Michael Bellmore (Zone 3), Ray Desjardins (Zone 2), and returning trustees Jody Cameron (Zone 4) and Estelle Scappatura (Zone 1). As part of the Inaugural meeting, all trustees, Senior Administration and invited family and guests celebrated with a mass with Auxiliary Bishop Noel Simard at which time they took their oaths and were officially sworn in as Sudbury Catholic trustees.

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